
3 Ways To Improve Your Blog In 6 Days

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Naomi Trower, Real Estate Broker, Premier Equity Group, Inc.

I recently received an email message via LinkedIn to please call Michael Kroll. It has been amazing lately how many phone calls that have been initiated from my social media networks.

I called him and we had an incredible conversation about his future goals and his current passions. It turns out that although we are in different fields of work, we have very similiar passions.

We both love to provide value, have a genuine desire to help people and a passion for writing. We talked about blogging and the goals that we would like to achieve with our blogs.

A few days later, I saw an announcement from Darren Rowse, author of 31 Days To A Better Blog, and I just had to share what he has going on for the next 6 days.

Here are the details & 3 Bonuses

The 31DBBB workbook is in itself a really useful resource for this time of year. It contains 31 tasks designed specifically to get your blog firing again - but the bonuses extend this.

I have had this workbook for almost a year and it is phenomenal! I have mine professionally bound and I use it as a reference often.

**The bonuses are also available FREE to those who already have the workbook.**

These bonuses are for a limited time only. To secure them, order your workbook in the next 6 days. The workbook is available for you to purchase and download now for just $19.95. It has a 30 day money back guarantee to ensure that this is the right purchase for you.

  1. A report by the name of 9 Things to Do to Get Your Blog On Track for the New Year - it is a 9 day extension of the 31 Day workbook and contains 9 extra tasks, particularly designed for the new year. This means you have 40 days of exercises to get you going.

  2. A 55 minute podcast with Leo Babauta from - this podcast is rich with tips on how Leo has launched his blogs and leveraged them to sell successful e-books and a best selling book.

  3. A 45 minute podcast interview with Neil Patel from - another practical podcast with Neil on how to drive traffic to blogs as well as tips on personal branding, SEO and more.

PLUS - In addition to this you also get the regular bonus for buying the workbook - an hour long podcast with Darren answering FAQs from buyers of the workbook.

All in all you get a little under 3 hours of previously unreleased and exclusive podcasts as well as the 9 days of exercises to get your blog going in the new year. My hope is that this bundle will not only give you some inspiration but also some practical tips and first steps to take your blog to the next level.

Happy Blogging!

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Richard Dolbeare
Inactive - Wailuku, HI
Living the Hawaii Lifestyle

Hi Naomi.  Oh no, I have to buy and read the book to find out how?  It sounds like it worked for you.

Aloha & best wishes.

Jan 14, 2010 02:45 AM
Naomi Trower
Naomi Trower, Real Estate Broker, Premier Equity Group, Inc. - Santa Clarita, CA

Hi Richard,

I know that a lot of people already have his workbook so I'm mainly posting for those who want access to the free bonuses. Of course, if you don't have the workbook, then a purchase is necessary. Definitely worth the investment though!

Jan 14, 2010 02:56 AM
Gerry Michaels
Glasswork Media Arts - Gettysburg, PA
GettysburgGerry Social Meida

Thanks Naomi, I will give this a try, I am always open to more knowledge, I'll be purchasing soon

Jan 14, 2010 05:46 AM
Kay Van Kampen
RE/MAX Broker, RE/MAX - Springfield, MO
RealtorĀ®, Springfield Mo Real Estate

Naomi, I can always use anything that will help improve my blogging.  Thanks for the tip.

Jan 14, 2010 12:29 PM
Naomi Trower
Naomi Trower, Real Estate Broker, Premier Equity Group, Inc. - Santa Clarita, CA

Hi Kay,

You are very welcome. I'll have to take a look at your blog.


Jan 14, 2010 01:29 PM