
One Simple Thing You Can Do To Reduce Clutter

Home Stager with Arranged Smartly LLC

It's January. Perhaps you're trying to turn over a new leaf and reduce clutter. It's also Get Organized month, according to the National Association of Professional Organizers. So, here's one simple thing you can do to reduce clutter. It's actually pretty painless, too.


Just say "no."One Simple Thing to Reduce Clutter


Before you cut out a new recipe, pick up a free sample or accept an item someone else wants to get rid of, ask yourself if it's necessary in your life. Do you have something like it at home? Will you really whip up that new recipe? Is the information easy to locate online where you can electronically save a bookmark? Even consider asking the checker at your favorite store to skip the bag if you're just purchasing one or two items.

Make the conscious decision to bring only the things into your home that are necessary or useful. Just because it's free doesn't mean there is no cost to you. If things pile up, those items can cost you time when you want to locate something and disorganization can ultimately cause stress and frustration.

By doing this one simple thing, you'll help rein in clutter and save time. If you don't have it, it's one less thing you'll have to sort through it at a later date!




Cathy Brosius is the owner of Arranged Smartly, a home staging and organizing company.  Cathy and her team are working smartly for homeowners and real estate agents throughout the St. Louis region.  She has also been interviewed on KMOV's Great Day St. Louis, providing tips on staging a home for sale.


Posted by

Joshua Zargari
MJ Decorators Workshop LI staging and home decorating - Lynbrook, NY
MJ Decorators Workshop


Jan 16, 2010 11:24 AM
Sally K. & David L. Hanson
EXP Realty 414-525-0563 - Brookfield, WI
WI Real Estate Agents - Luxury - Divorce

  We have begun our excavation/organize/re-organize season...ahhhh....feels great !  Happy, healthy and prosperous 10 to you !

Jan 16, 2010 11:25 AM
Tanya Nouwens
Immeubles Deakin Realty - Montreal West Island, QC
Montreal Real Estate Broker & Stager

Oh that's good Cathy!  And simple.  And free.  But so hard to do sometimes because it involves living and making choices with awareness at all times.  Great post. -- Tanya in Montreal

Jan 16, 2010 11:31 AM
Cathy Brosius
Arranged Smartly LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Home Staging St. Louis region

Joshua, thanks for stopping by!

Part of the process is knowing it's time to get started. In fact getting started is the hardest part! Congrats, Sally and David, and happy 2010 to you, too!

Thanks, Tanya. It is difficult to make conscious choices all of the time. Especially when it's a free item. But, I think it would really make a difference!

Jan 16, 2010 11:48 AM
Lanora Campbell
NMLS#232975 - Springfield, MO
Ozarks Home Loan Professional

Cathy, good tips and something we all need to do!

Jan 18, 2010 10:54 PM
Cathy Brosius
Arranged Smartly LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Home Staging St. Louis region

Lanora, sometimes we just need to change the way we think to affect change in our lives. It's usual simple and free to do so! Thanks for stopping by.

Jan 19, 2010 02:31 AM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

So simple and yet so effective!  Great advice!  I have reusable bags for shopping and I love not having a closet full of plastic shopping bags!  For those who overwhelm easily...just take one step at a time and it will get easier!

Jan 27, 2010 11:38 PM
Cathy Brosius
Arranged Smartly LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Home Staging St. Louis region

I have several reusable shopping bags, too, Sharon. The reason I bought them is because those plastic bags were always all over everywhere at my house. It's really cut down on those piling up, and you can feel good about the environment! Thanks for your comment.

Jan 27, 2010 11:53 PM