When a client's house is on the market I always ask them to remove their personal photos. A lot of times they aren't receptive at first. But once they understand the why behind it, they are on board. So here are the big three:
1. When a person is shopping for a home, they want to imagine themselves in the home. When there are personal photos throughout the house, it feels like they are in someone else's home and it's much harder to visualize it as their own.
2. Photos are distracting. Home buyers only spend a few minutes touring the home and usually make a decision as to whether they like the home within the first 30 seconds. Do you really want them spending that precious time looking at your photos or would you rather they be looking at the house?
3. For safety reasons it's better not to display your children's photos. You never know who will be touring your house and you can never be too safe when it comes to your kids!
When your house is on the market it's much better to replace personal photos with more neutral art. Remember, they are shopping for THEIR new dream home, not yours!
Another important safety measure for kids rooms, always remove anything that has your child's name on it!
So when I ask you to remove your photos, remember, IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL!