Monthly Market Report for Kensington, Maryland
Real estate is alive and well in Kensington, Maryland. One reason may be that Kensington offers a wide variety of dwellings at a wide variety of prices; presently 39 active properties ranging in price from $199,000 to $1,999,999-that's right we're under 2 mil here so no complaints, right? The average price for these properties is $666,469; average number of bedrooms is 4; average number of baths is 3.5. Days on market range from 3 to 830. Wow! That's quite a difference, isn't it? The oldest house was built in 1898; the newest in 2010-average year built is 1961, so it is an older community generally, which gives it a lot of charm and character.
Starting with the two-bedroom homes, four currently grace the market, with price tags ranging from $199,000 to $765,000. Average year built was 1951. The pricier property has 2 full baths and 1 half bath. It also has a lot of 19,784 square feet. Average square footage for this group of homes comes in at 9,868, with the smallest having 5,885. Days on market range from 25 to 87.
Three bedroom homes in Kensington, as elsewhere are very popular. As of this date, there are currently 13 three-bedroom homes listed in Kensington. Prices range from $259,900 to $899,900, with the average coming in at $565,700. The oldest three-bedroom was built in 1941, while the newest was constructed in 1979. Days on market range from 3 to 830. Baths? You can have a one-bath model all the way up to one with four. If you want lots of square footage, and your checkbook can afford it, go with the 19,756 lot size at $899,900; however if you would rather economize, try the lesser bobka at $259,900. It's all good.
Now on to the four bedrooms. Ready? You can own a four-bedroom home in the swingin' town of Kensington for $364,900! No kidding, and you might be able to get it for less if you know a good realtor (ahem). Now if you just have to own the top-of-the-line Mercedes of the four BR's, how about the little number on Baltimore St. For $1,150,000. Or perhaps you might like a middle of the road approach. There are 4 homes offered in the $399-$487,000 range. Pretty reasonable for what you get. Two homes are offered for $699,000+, both in Chevy Chase View and both colonials. Baths range from 2 to 4.5. Days on market from 3 to 112. Interested? You should be.
How about a five- bedroom home? I used to own one. It was nice. But enough about me. In Kensington, you can own a five-bedroom home for, get ready, $305,000. I have almost talked myself into buying one. Now grant you, I would rather have the $980,000 model with 16,860 square feet of land, and built in 2010 (are we seeing a pattern here), but oh, well. I can only come up with about-never mind, too much information. The most ancient property was built in 1947, and you already know about the newest (you do, too). Average price of these homes is $674,688, and days on market range from 3 to 610. How's that for variety?
Now for the really sexy homes, the six bedroom ones. All were built in 2008 and all have 6 bedrooms, 9 baths (no I'm not kidding). Why does anyone need all of those bathrooms? Well you only have 7 full bathrooms, the other 2 are half baths. Days on market for all two of them are 571 and the list prices are $1,600,000 and $1,999,999. I think you can figure the average price out for yourself, and if you have that much money, you shouldn't care, but be sure to call me if you want to buy either one. I'm sure we can work something out. (Just kidding).
Th, th, th, that's all folks. Until next month, that is. See ya.