
Binghamton University Bearcats

Real Estate Agent with Exit Realty Homeward Bound

Binghamton University Bearcats -

Have you been to a Binghamton University Division I Basketball game this year?  To tell you the truth, I have been to most of them.  After all the drama that has been happening, I'd have to say that the fans of this Binghamton Team have been the best part of the year.  We have different players, we have new coaches, and it almost can be a great beginning for a movie.  It already resembles a movie like "We are Marshall" or "Glory Road."  The theme being going against all odds, against what everyone "says", despite what other Binghamton residents said.  They are beginning their conference play 2-2, even though they are pitted last in the polls and certainly popularity.  What I see though, is a team of newbies playing with fury.  Fast paced defense with controlling the real estate when they are at home at the Events Center in Binghamton NY.  Now in any popular sports movie, the down and out team usually end up winning it all.  That outcome is yet to be seen, and if Binghamton does happen to win the American East; I am buying the rights to the movie.

Bob Farrell

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James "Jim" Trevitt
Exit Realty Homeward Bound - Binghamton, NY
"Talk To Trevitt!"

See you Sunday when we give Vermont their first loss!

Jan 21, 2010 03:02 PM