

Real Estate Attorney with Jenny L Colón, PC

Get Ready:

   Every year our company has a full day where we align ourselves with the vision of the Jarett WooHooingcompany. We take the time to hone our skills so we can tackle the year and hit it with a bang!  We use fun common things like football to keep track of our yearly goals; using the field and the yard lines as a measure to our goal.

   For example, last year we used Disney's "Invincible" as our inspiration and had our executive staff introduced in the same way that a football team would be introduced to the fans in a stadium.  This set of the meeting on a fun note and ended up getting very high reviews from the rest of the staff!

(to the right) Jarret Shaffer begins the meeting with a lot of fun!


   This year I'm happy to say that we have chosen "Most Wanted" for our company theme!  Why "Most Wanted?"  Well, I'll leave that out for now as I don't want to give out any sensitive details.  :^D  Sorry, no spoilers in this crowd.  However, I will say that I am excited to show you some fun pictures of the event today.


   Annual StrateSusan Adresses the Troopsgic planning is a magnificent way to align for ANY organization.  I would strongly recommend any Real Estate team to think about doing one as it truly does work!  So here it is folks, we're looking for top Real Estate professionals who appreciate a smooth way of doing business.  I would love to explain how we're different.

More Fun:

(left) Susan Shaffer addresses the company.  


Bellow are some more pictures of the fun!

   Bellow on Left- Jenny L. Colon, Esq. (my lovely bride) stacks her cards high while participating in a team activity.  Bellow Middle- Our newest team members!  Bellow on Right- Urban Cowboy? Hardly, I just didn't know what to do with my bandanna and hat combo.  :^D

   Lower Middle- (from L-R) Karen, Angie, Lisa, & Kim.  Lower Right- (from L-R) Diane, Jenny, & Cole.


Stack of cards

New Additions


The girls! Jenny's Team 



Posted by

...By the way, if you or any-one you know is looking to move to Hampton Roads, could you share with me their name and number? I would love to take care of them and show them how they too can, "Close Smoother With Shaffer."



Joe Colón Jr.

Recruiter/RE Agent for Shaffer Realty, LLC

(757) 377-1225Direct

(757) 468-5000 Office

500 Baylor Court, Ste. B

Chesapeake, VA 23320

If you would like to know more about me, I invite you to come and click here.

Show All Comments Sort:
Kerrie La Guardia
ActiveRain, Community Manager - Kirkland, WA
Let it Rain!

What a fantastic way to spend a day at the office!  Im sure the ideas flowing have major impact throughout the year.  A company's vision can get lost and it's great to hear you guys are spending quality time and effort on this.  Especially in a fun way!  Right on!

Jan 19, 2010 08:55 AM
Joe Colón, Jr.
Jenny L Colón, PC - Chesapeake, VA

Thanks Kerrie, it WAS a lot of fun and a great way to get to know each other better.  Our offices are in 4 different cities, so it's always a treat to have the company all in one place.  Have a great day!

Jan 20, 2010 02:44 PM
Barrie Clulow
My Time Is My Own - Uxbridge, ON

Virgina Beach  a great place to vacation for us coming from Ontario we have some very fond memories of Virginia beach.

Feb 11, 2010 01:06 PM