My observations of Tom Ferry are that this guy is way ahead of the game. He is a visionary and leader in the field of Real Estate coaching and motivation.
I have looked at Toms content from his blog. He has no shortage of it either.
This simple success formula stood out and got noticed.
I like the fact that he puts a belief into his coachees that they can do whatever they want to by design.
4 Key Beliefs of Agents Who Are Succeeding in Real Estate by tomferry on July 24, 2009
in Motivation, Real Estate Business Planning, Real Estate Strategy, Real Estate Training
You know those maps in shopping malls that say, “You are here”. They tell you where you are and how to get to where you want to go, right?
Some people never use these maps as they have an internal compass that orients them automatically.
Some people go through life with an unerring sense of direction; they just know where they are going and how to get there.
For most of us, however, we need a daily GPS system to help us get from here to there – some of us refuse to even try to go there as we are comfortable in our current place, even if it doesn’t serve us. Why? Because we resist change.
We hang our hats on what our business was like a couple of years ago – it worked then so why not now? Or we know if we wait long enough the market will come back around – can we afford to wait?
There are 4 Key Beliefs of Agents who are succeeding in this market – 1. They have succeeded before – to successful people the past is always perfect – or they at least declare it so. Consider this –Your car has a large front windshield so you have a real clear vision of where you are going and you have a small rear view mirror so you can only see a small part of where you have been because it doesn’t matter anymore.
Whether what you have accomplished is phenomenal or not so much, it’s in the past. 2. They can succeed - They know that they have the capability in themselves to make things happen, through hard work, tenacity, talent, personality, brainpower they know they will get there. They know where to get the resources they need to succeed
3. They will succeed. They have unflappable optimism. They believe in their goals, they live their plan, everyday. No one is going to tell them they can’t do this. 4. They choose to succeed. They believe they are doing what they choose to do, because they choose to do it. So, ask yourself, do you believe you can succeed? Are you willing to persevere no matter the obstacles? Will you look back at 2009 and say to yourself, yes! I did it!
I succeeded!