
Construction going on in North Hermosa

Real Estate Agent with REMAX Estate Properties DRE #01376810

I'm sure people familiar with Hermosa Beach have seen all the new construction going on in the northern part of the city. Some of the construction is moving right along. And then there are the ones that just keep dragging on. You probably know of the two in particular. Both "homes" are on 29th Street. That big, ugly home at the corner of 29th and Hermosa Avenue and the "work in progress" home at 29th and Manhattan Ave. The big and ugly home is almost complete, after being build for over 4 years. The other, who knows what's going on with that one. The scaffolding has been up for 3 years and it's only worked on, occasionally. Walk by the home on Hermosa Ave. and 29th, take a good look at it. Look at all the vent and pipes sticking out of it by the front door. Look at the hodgepodge of styles, patterns, and colors. It has Mexican tiles, Moroccan influenced arches, Spanish styling, and Italian travertine. Worst of all, look at the cheap landscaping job. You would think, for how much this home must have cost to have built, they would have spent more than $100 on the landscaping. Guess not. It's funny, just because the owner has money he thinks he has taste. Well' the other house at Manhattan Ave. may never be completed. I just wish that the city would have a time limit for how long scaffolding can be up at a site. You'd think after 3 years, the city would do something about it. Guess not. These are just a few of the local real estate issues I think about in Hermosa. Let me know what bugs you about the real estate, or other things in Hermosa. Please don't say that I bug you.