
New Project

Real Estate Agent with Westcott Group Real Estate Company

I recently started a new blog on Wordpress that is not real estate related.  The theme of the blog is my pursuit of health, wealth and "happyness."  A number of Active Rainers that are on Facebook have suggested that I post the content on Active Rain in addition to Wordpress.


I didn't feel that many of the posts were a good fit on AR.  However, I did put one out today that I do find relevant.  If you're interested in checking it out, please click on the link below:


If you want to learn more about the blog itself, please check out the about page and the first post on the site


I'll be posting links on AR from time to time when I think that the content is appropriate.  

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Connie Harvey
Pilkerton Realtors - Brentwood, TN
Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate

Adam, I've missed reading your blog. I going to go check out what you've been writing on your wordpress blog. God Speed!

Jan 20, 2010 09:13 AM
Steve Shatsky
Dallas, TX

Hi Adam... It was a nice surprise to see you pop up on my AR blog roll today!  I hope that you will begin posting on AR again... at least occasionally, so that we can all keep uyp with you more easily!  :)

Jan 20, 2010 11:15 AM
Lorrie Semler, REALTOR® in the Dallas area. Call/text 972-416-3417
HomeSmart Stars - Addison, TX
Real Service. Real Results. Real Estate

Hi Adam!  Welcome to the Dallas metroplex.  Hope you'll be posting on AR again on a regular basis.

Jan 21, 2010 01:41 AM
Jeanean Gendron
The Address Realty - Redding, CA
Specializing in Selling Unique Properties

Hello Adam, so nice to see you there as I go down the blog roll. We miss you and would love to hear more about you and your new endeavors regardless of the subject matter. Balance in this business is an aspect that is so critical and important. I'm going to call you today....we can talk about Wordpress and other things. I grew up in Dallas and so I would love to hear how you are doing! Talk soon!

Jan 21, 2010 02:16 AM
Patricia Beck
RE/MAX Properties, Inc., ABR, GRI, SRES - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Realty
Sounds interesting, I will have to check out your blog, thanks for the link!
Jan 25, 2010 12:54 PM
Dana McGary
Crye-Leike Champion Real Estate Group, Searcy, Arkansas - Searcy, AR
Realtor - White County, Arkansas

I am checking out your blog, thanks!  I am on a pursuit for more balance in my life/real estate world.  Tough to do, most of the time.  Easy to lose a customer to another Realtor when I am busy with prior commitments. 


Sep 05, 2010 07:42 AM