
What Your Color Choice Says About Your Personality

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker

I've been reading a book on the Dewey Color System. Without getting technical, Dewey Sadka has created a system based on color and how our preferences can be used to reaveal the core of our personalities.

I've tested this on myself and some friends and have found it to be surprisingly accurate in most cases.

To get started, pick your favorite and least favorite colors from the Primary Colors to the right.

YOUR FAVORITE PRIMARY COLOR determines how you attack life. It indicates what you feel you need to accomplish to be yourself. This determines your motivation in life.

YOUR LEAST FAVORITE PRIMARY COLOR on the other hand, determines what you try to avoid and emotionally suppress.

YELLOW AS FAVORITE: key words are: realistic, diplomatic, giving, you have the wisdom to know what is needed and your motivation is personal growth. Yellow is the lightest color in the spectrum. It is a search for a more realistic perspective that will create hope and a brighter tomorrow. Likewise, people who prefer yellow have the ability to study situations and relationships without a preconceived mindset. Yellows are concerned with understanding the world around them.

YELLOW AS LEAST FAVORITE: You are very determined. You are constantly thinking "I must do this or that." Your mind is one step ahead of everyone else. Friends and lovers sometime take a back seat to whatever project you're involved in.

BLUE AS FAVORITE: Key words: planner, initiator, visionary with the ability to visualize the future. Your motivation is to justify your existence. You are a dreamer and a visionary - wistful, imaginative and eccentric. You are preoccupied with the future. You need to justify your life by making a positive impact on the world, even on those you don't know. Blue is the coldest color in our atmosphere. Likewise, people who prefer blue are able to deny the natural warmth and energy of the present to anticipate the future. Like water, which bonds together, those who prefer blue pull together different entities to form a cohesive focus. Blue is future-based thought. It's about initiating dreams.

BLUE AS LEAST FAVORITE: You often model yourself after someone you admire and maintain a sharp lookout for a new guru or a new concept that you can dive into. When you become truly enthusiastic, you tend to lose yourself in your interests. Strong commitments are difficult for you.

RED AS FAVORITE: Key words: practical, resourceful, direct- you use experience to improve things. Your motivation is to better control your world. You know exactly what you want. You are ambitious, driven, confident and outgoing. You have little tolerance for inefficiencies. You are more realistic than someone who likes blue, because you have less need for validation and have a stronger sense of your own worth. Red directs physical change. Whether it is the molten lava inside the center of the earth, a fire burning in a forest, or an indicator of bacteria on an organism, red is the agent of change on earth. Likewise, people who prefer red are constantly improving on the status quo. Red is about directing resources.

RED AS LEAST FAVORITE: When you speak, others listen. You analyze your thoughts before you speak. You are the confidant. Others trust you with their greatest secrets. You make them feel important. Often times you hear more than you want to hear. When someone is telling you something that makes you uncomfortable, your face doesn't show it, therefore they keep talking. People can't tell what you're thinking, which makes you a little mysterious.

WHEN YOUR PRIMARY COLORS CHANGE: Generally speaking, your favorite primary color does not change after your early twenties. If you are questioning your life goals, it can change until you become more comfortable with yourself. Your least favorite primary color is the last to change. If it changes, you're probably in a highly reactive period of life.

SO WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? By studying your color preferences you can get to know yourself better, learn about friends and loved ones, revitalize your home and enhance your wardrobe. This is only the first layer in this system. In the next blog we'll pick your secondary colors which show how you relate.

*Excerpts From the book by Dewey Sadka, Embrace Hue You Are



Posted by

Kelly Townsend, Realtor, ASP, CDPE

Coldwell Banker

600 Bicentennial Way, Suite 100

Santa Rosa, CA 95403

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Edward & Celia Maddox
The Celtic Connection Realty - Queen Creek, AZ

You are right.  It was very accurate.  Thanks for info. We learn a lot of information for ourselves and clients on Active Rain Blogs. Best Regards,

Jan 21, 2010 03:17 AM
Lenn Harley
Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate - Leesburg, VA
Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland

Blue!  Blue!  Blue! 

I can identify with every word.

Least favorite?  Yellew.  Mmmmmm.

Jan 21, 2010 03:24 AM
Debra Valentine
Designing Details ~ Staging & Design, LLC - Bountiful, UT
Utah Home Staging for, Bountiful, Salt Lake & Surrounding Areas

Fun and interesting post Kelly!

Jan 21, 2010 03:47 AM
Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

This is kin to the Rainbow Personality Test.  I am red and my favorite color is red.  That is a strong personality!

Jan 21, 2010 02:39 PM
Dean Bergstrom
Bergstrom Realty Inc., Brokerage - Stoney Creek, ON
Broker of Record

This is very interesting. Applying this to cients may also come in handy.

Jan 27, 2010 06:23 AM