
Democrats Leave Brown Stain on Senate Seat

Real Estate Agent with Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® NC 247573

brown stain toilet"Oops, I did it again", no that wasn't Britney belting out her trashy hit from a few years ago. That was the exclamation from Democrats as they crapped away a crucial voting seat in Massachusetts to the party of dopes.

The circle firing squad was out in full force today. Theories from political infighting in Massachusetts to the horrible, horrible job Coakley did while campaigning. Maybe they shoulda run Anne Oakley instead of Martha Coakley.

Of course, right wing teabaggers were running through the streets, clapping each other on the back as if they alone had pulled off this upset- NOT.

This whole scenario unfolded like a scene out of the Godfather. After losing Sonny in an ambush at the toll plaza, Don Corleone gathers the five families and says, "How did things ever get so far? I don't know. It was so unfortunate, so unnecessary."

The best way I can describe this loss is a perfect storm. A series of events culminating in a populist backlash against the "new" establishment. The electorate was pissed and disappointed at the events of last year. On the surface it may seem like a repudiation of Obama's agenda but it was really a repudiation of his refusal to follow through fully on his promises. For example;

1. The economy. The President campaigned on rebuilding the economy after the Bush Recession. All the people saw were CEO's continuing to rake in huge bonuses, Wall Street rebounded but Main Street did not. Millions of Americans are still without jobs and losing their homes.

2. Financial reform. Vegas bankers basically gambled with America's hard earned investments and lost. The president ran on reforming the system, but instead hired Timmy "Geiger Counter" Geightner, who oversaw the Chernobyl-like meltdown of the once all powerful American financial machine.

3. Healthcare. Americans were sick of getting sick and not being able to pay for it. They were sick of the health insurance industry sticking it to them with outrageous fees, rejections and pre existing conditions. They were sick of the "murder by spreadsheet", killing Americans every year with sub standard coverage that lead to bankruptcy. The real "Death Panels" of America.

What did the Corporatist Democrats do for their benefactors? A bill that mandates Americans purchase coverage while doing nothing to curtail the costs. The rest of the Democrats, ran away from even considering the possibility of passing a decent bill through reconciliation.

So what did we expect? Did we expect people to greet us with flowers and continued power? The people have spoken. They elected a Brown, a faux populist, who voted 95% with the Republicans but ran on being independent. Seriously.

So Democrats, reach inside, look inside your soul and ask yourself, "What do I stand for?"
. Try and remember why you rode the wave into power in 2008. It was on the back of promise for real reform for those entities that nearly destroyed the country. It was on the back of stabilizing the economy and getting Americans back to work. Those were the reasons you came into power and those are the reasons why you will continue to govern - at the pleasure of the people and not Corporate America.

Posted by

Nogui Aramburo
Real Estate Broker | Manager
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS
(919) 771 3609

Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area


Sarah Palin - unqualified
Dan Qualye - ??? omgosh
Ronald Reagan - actually respected
Bush I - read my lips
Bush II- do you really want to go there?
Dick Cheney - have you forgotten the lies?
Karl Rove - the architect of the Bush fail- you got respect for that?
Newt Gingrich - the one calling for Clinton's impeachment while he himself was having an affair- do you give him a pass for this?


Jan 21, 2010 02:15 PM
Lane Bailey
Century 21 Results Realty - Suwanee, GA
Realtor & Car Guy

Nogui, how do you know?  The honest answer is that you don't... you take the word of people in the media...MANY OF WHOM HAVE NEVER MET OR CONVERSED WITH THE PEOPLE THEY ARE PASSING JUDGEMENT ON. 

And if Sarah Palin is unqualified, then Obama is WAY unqualified... and he proves it every singe day. 

Do you think you saw a video of them saying something stupid?  Obama off teleprompter stutters like a thirteen year old boy asking for his first date.  Joe Biden can't talk without saying something stupid.  Pelosi has more dumb quotes that Patrick Star. 

Finally, Newt wasn't calling for Clinton's impeachment for cheating on his wife... it was for LYING under oath.  Oddly, he was lying to prevent being sued for sexual harrassment under a bill he signed.  And there is no question that he perjured himself. 

Wake up.

Jan 22, 2010 03:21 PM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

Lane - Sarah Palin's qualiifications are in direct porporion to the number of Supreme Court rulings she knows about and can discuss. I even coined a new term for her; schmaverick

As for the lying, adulterer, don't you think it a wee bit hypocritcal to attack the skeletons in a man's closet, when you have a graveyard in yours? By your twisted IOIYR rationalization, its not relevant that the douche was also having an affair, but that Clinton was lying... right...

But its okay that Bush was lying when he got us into Iraq, right? Oh no he wasn't lying, Saddam just moved every single WMD to Syria. Does that myth still circle in the neocon fantasy world?

The best thing to could have happened to the Democrats was this loss, the people spoke- its up to them to get it together and return to the reasons they were given these majorites. If they lose it, it will be just in time for 2012. The world's supposed to end then anyway.

Fool me once, you can't get fooled again!

Jan 22, 2010 04:08 PM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

Nogui, you're bringing up a lot of ancient history that you really don't seem to understand. No one cares if Clinton has an affair. Heck, he was accused of rape by one woman and nothing happened.  Clinton was found guilty of perjury. Perjury is the most serious crime in any nation because perjury can be used to cover up every other crime one might commit.  Furthermore, he is the highest ranking law enforcement official in the country. If he lies under oath, then how can we punish anyone who lies under oath. 

Lastly, here's the reason that his sex life is part of the public record. He was accused of sexual harassment. In a sexual harassment case, guess what they talk about? They talk about your sex life.  If you lie under oath you break the law.  I think that our officials should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard, than the average Joe. If you or I committed perjury we would be in jail.

Nobody cares that Clinton screwed around. But if that's what you want to think, don't say it in public anymore, it makes you sound like you don't know the issues. 

But a picture of a toilet? Now that's a nice piece of logic there. Can't argue with that one.

Jan 22, 2010 09:54 PM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

Will, certainly not the Party of Morals. They have more whores on speed dial than Hiedi Fliess.

Let's move on. I was only mentioning the hypocrisy of Newt, who had to resign in shame when his own infidelities came to light.

Jan 22, 2010 11:20 PM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

"Whores on speed dial," is that what you would call rational, factual political discourse? It's what I call gutter-talk based in rage. Once you're angry, you've lost the argument.

If you want to move on, please stop saying things that aren't based in fact and please stop senselessly name-calling. Your most recent and most obvious factual error?

Newt did NOT have to resign. Instead he chose to resign.  Compare this to Clinton who refused to resign. Resignation is choice. Resignation is an honorable choice when it is for the good of the country. I remember that distinction well because that was the first time I ever considered voting for a Republican. In my mind it is much more honorable to step away when you have done wrong than to argue about what the meaning of the word "is" is.

After the Clinton impeachment, I wrote my first ever angry letter to Chuck Robb (D) Senator from Virginia and told him that Clinton most go. I had voted for Robb, but Robb voted to keep Clinton in office after he broke the law. So, at the next opportunity I voted against Robb and he was gone the following term.


Jan 23, 2010 09:51 PM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

Will it wasn't angry -it's factual and rational- but not angry. I won't go into the names of the fallen from the Moral and Spiritual Party, that would take too long.

Technically your right, Newt did not have to resign. He chose to resign. OUT OF SHAME. I guess if I made COMPLETE jackass out of myself on the NATIONAL STAGE, I may not have resign, but I may I just choose to take up a career selling peanuts.

As for the Clinton not resigning, the man was a victim of a political witch hunt. No one doubts his presidency was one of the most successful ones in the last 30 years. What the Republicans did out of spite- not to protect the integrity of the office or the country- they themselves living in glass houses, chose to throw rocks.

Hopefully the Democrats realize the implications of the loss to Brown in Massachusetts. If they choose to ignore the will of the people, it will be a bloodbath in November. I think it's going to get interesting. If they lose in November, it will be their fault. We will see.


Jan 24, 2010 02:00 AM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

From the AFL-CIO Blog:

"There was no outpouring for a right-wing agenda in Massachusetts. Brown only received 50,000 votes more than McCain. But Coakley received 850,000 fewer votes than Obama. The Republican based remained energized. The Democratic base and independent supporters stayed home."

This is the most damning piece of evidence that Democrats have alienated the base. It's up to them to get the message back on track and start acting like Democrats again. They failed to live up to their ideals, instead choosing to cave into special interests.

Jan 24, 2010 09:05 AM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

Once again you have misstated. Specifically, regarding Clinton you said, "No one doubts his presidency was one of the most successful ones in the last 30 years. "

To the contrary, many think his Presidency a failure. It was a failure because he did not pass health care reform of any kind.  Clinton did nothing when Al Qaeda attack the U.S.S. Cole and did nothing when Al Qaeda attempted to destroy the World Trade Center. Clinton had several opportunities to kill or capture Bin Laden, but did not. Among the least of his indiscretions, he used the Oval Office as his sexual romper room. He was Commander-in-Chief over the fiascos at Waco and Ruby Ridge. As a war President Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Somalia and civilians in the Balkans.  Clinton allowed Saddam Hussein to shoot missiles at our planes on an almost daily basis. Clinton paid the North Koreans not to build a nuclear bomb and he did absolutely nothing when they built one anyway. Clinton presided over the Worldcom financial disaster and handed Bush a recession when the bubble popped. On his final day in office, he pardoned various tax evaders and criminals who had paid him or his wife money. 

Clinton was lucky enough to take credit for Welfare Reform and a balanced budget (as required by the Graham-Rudman deficit reduction plan).  But neither of these Republican plans were popular with his party.

The point is there are many reasons to doubt Clinton and many people doubt that his Presidency was one of the most successful in the last 30 years.

Technically right is actually right. Technically wrong is still wrong.

Jan 25, 2010 10:42 PM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

He also presided over the biggest economical expansion since WWII, balanced the budget, successfully prosecuted the prepetrators of the World Trade bombings, thwarted several attacks, all the while being being attacked by the hypocrites in the Republican party.

I would take a 100 Clintons any day. Compared to Bush he was a smashing success.

Jan 25, 2010 11:27 PM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

My point wasn't to prove that Clinton didn't have successes. My point was to disprove your assertion that, "No one doubts (Clinton's) his presidency was one of the most successful ones in the last 30 years."

Not only do many people doubt this assertion. I provided reasons why sane people would doubt this assertion. 

Furthermore it's a silly assertion, because the qualifier "over the last 30 years" means that you're only talking about Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama.  That's not very many people to compare him to especially when you consider that Ford didn't serve a full term and Carter was by most accounts a disaster. Nixon was a mixed bag.  He had foreign policy and domestic successes but he was nearly impeached. Compare that to Clinton ... oh wait ... Clinton WAS impeached and disbarred.

Compared to our other 44 Presidents, Clinton is probably in the bottom 20, maybe in the bottom 10.  Good reason to doubt that his Presidency was one of the most succesful one in the last 30 years. Bringing up a few things that were good when he was President and telling us who you prefer does nothing to prove  your baseless assertion that "No one doubts (Clinton's) his presidency was one of the most successful ones in the last 30 years."

As Daniel Monihan said, "Every man has a right to his own opinion. No one has a right to his own facts." I support your right to think what you want to think but I will confront your assertions about what others think unless you can back up your statements with facts.

Jan 26, 2010 01:44 AM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

Will confront these facts:

CSPAN Poll:: Clinton ranks 15th of all time

Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a federal surplus.

Jan 26, 2010 04:05 AM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

You have yet to prove your assertion that, "No one doubts (Clinton's) his presidency was one of the most successful ones in the last 30 years."

Do you understand the difference between "no one doubts" and "I believe"? 

Just because you believe something doesn't mean that no one doubts the same thing. Even if many people agree with your beliefs that still does not mean that no one doubts your beliefs. 

The fact is many people doubt your claim Clinton was a successful President. Even if many many people agree that he was a successful President, there are many people who doubt this claim. Thus your statment is one of many errors you have made.

In case you doubt my assertion that many people disagree with the idea that Clinton was a great success, here are a few of many people who doubt that Clinton was one of the most successful Presidents in the last 30 years.

Therefore I have proven that many people doubt your assertion and thus I have proven you wrong yet again.  But you can always show a picture of a dirty toilet as if that means anything.

Jan 26, 2010 08:32 AM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

When Clinton left office, he had a 66% approval rating, he balanced the budget, had presided over the lowest crime in a generation, 6 million jobs were created in his first two years in office

Not to mention a host of other things that his adminstration did to make the quality of life better for the everyday American and for this country.

But your right not everyone believes it. Next time I'll show a picture of a doubting Thomas...



Jan 26, 2010 09:40 AM
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria - Alexandria, VA
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.

A Doubting Thomas and truth truth beats the heck out of a distortion and a dirty toilet, so I look forward to seeing that note.

But you did it again. 

Your first sentence is irrelevant but accurate. No problems there. Your last paragraph is also just fine. You should have formatted this "But your right not everyone believes it." To read, "But you're right not everyone believes it."

Instead of bold facing the important part, you put bold face on another dubious assertion that is 100% opinion.  Seeing as how much effort it took to deconstruct your last two errors, I'll let this one stand because I'm quite sure that when I finally get you to admit you have misstated (again), you'll drop another one. 

I'll leave you with this unsolicited tip: if you're going to put your opinions in the public forum, be careful that you separate your opinions from the facts to ensure that what you say is accurate and fair.  You're entitled to your opinions, but don't confuse your opinions with real facts.  Please remember that your opinions are not necessarily everyone else's opinion.

Jan 27, 2010 12:30 AM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

Bwhahahahaah - dude you are too much.

"Instead of bold facing the important part, you put bold face on another dubious assertion that is 100% opinion."

As soon as you can debunk my dubious assertions with facts, I will cede your point. Until then, like Eddie said "Have a Coke and a smile.... :)"

Jan 27, 2010 03:33 AM
Ron Brown NMLS #270845
NMLS ID: 40831 - Federal Way, WA

What happened in MA is exactly the same thing Obama took advantage of for his election results - an electorate that is tired of false promises.  Obama was naive to believe he could change Washington DC, and the public was nothing more than a willing dupe.

Each President inherits the gifts of their predecessor.  Clinton did not initiate any of the policies that created the economic growth of the 90's.  If he did, then Obama has created the problems that we have today.  You can't have it both ways.  I made the statement prior to the election of 2000 that the best thing for the Democrats would be to lose that election because anyone paying attention could see the booming economy was built on sand.  GWB actually should have seen a much worse recession than what went on because the housing bubble disguised our problems, and allowed America to continue overspending habits.

Regardless of party affiliation, America cannot spend its way out of a spending problem.  Every dollar our government spends is a dollar of debt that must be repaid by a future generation plus interest.  That is simply how our system works.  Obama's speech made a big deal of how he will freeze government spending next year.  At least it is something, but it is far too little, and far too late.  The savings from that freeze will not pay the interest on the current debt let alone the future obligations.  Obama pointed out he inherited this mess, and Bush turned a budget surplus into a Trillion $ debt over his 8 years.  All Obama has done is duplicate that amount of debt in less than a year, and don't go saying he didn't have anything to do with the original Stimulus - he was in favor of, and voted for it.

Jan 28, 2010 04:41 AM
Ron Brown NMLS #270845
NMLS ID: 40831 - Federal Way, WA

Take a look at the tag line under you own photo, and apply it to Obama.  He himself made the statement that he could not possibly be qualified to lead the country after serving only one term in the Senate. (Of course that was before he thought he could win.  What the heck, if you can win, who cares if you can actually succeed at the job.)

Jan 28, 2010 04:51 AM
Nogui Aramburo
Linda Craft & Team, REALTORS® - Raleigh, NC
Real Estate Professional in the Raleigh Area

This makes no sense but whatever, everyone has their opnions.

Jan 28, 2010 05:06 AM
Dan Sanley
La Mesa, CA

Wow, what a discussion!  I was away for awhile and missed all this.  Just now catching up.  You guys are all good!

Sorry I can't contribute because I don't have the facts and no one cares about my opinion.  I am OK with that.  Hope you are.

But thanks for the contributions, this was fun.

Jan 28, 2010 08:38 AM