Sebring Residential Home Sales:
Residential Sales 2004 - 2009 on the local MLS.
Year / Number of Single Family Sales / Median Sale Price / Average Days On Market
2004 / 1178 / $99,500 / 94
2005 / 1168 / $146,119 / 81 // An increase in the median value of 46.8% from 2004.
2006 / 928 / $165,000 / 112 // An increase in the median value of 12.9% from 2005.
2007 / 595 / $145,000 / 159 // A decrease in the median value of 12.1% from 2006.
2008 / 527 / $125,000 / 144 // A decrease in the median value of 13.8% from 2007.
2009 / 664 / $92,950 / 138 // A decrease in the median value of 26.6% from 2008.
The 2009 figures end date is 12/31/2009. The only property type excluded are duplexes.
Active Listings: 543
Pending Sales: 129
Closed Sales: 512
512 / 12 = 42.67 Sales Per Month
543 / 42.67 = 12.73 Month Supply Currently Available In Sebring
As of 03/01/2009 the monthly supply was 19.9
As of 04/03/2009 the monthly supply was 18.7
As of 05/04/2009 the monthly supply was 18.4
As of 06/03/2009 the monthly supply was 17.2
As of 07/06/2009 the monthly supply was 16.4
As of 08/05/2009 the monthly supply was 15.15
As of 09/03/2009 the monthly supply was 14.1
As of 10/05/2009 the monthly supply was 14.7
As of 11/03/2009 the monthly supply was 14.55
As of 12/02/2009 the monthly supply was 14.4
As of 01/05/2010 the monthly supply was 12.7
Spring Lake
-- Pending Sales: 14
-- Closed Sales: 48
Sun N Lakes (S.):
-- Pending Sales: 28
-- Closed Sales: 89
Sebring Ridge:
-- Pending Sales: 8
-- Closed Sales: 21
Sebring Country:
-- Pending Sales: 6
-- Closed Sales: 42
Harder Hall/Lake Haven/Orange Blossom: (Strap Numbers begin with:C-01/C-02/C-24)
-- Pending Sales: 19
-- Closed Sales: 68
Sebring Hills:
-- Pending Sales: 5
-- Closed Sales: 34
Sebring Country Club:
-- Pending Sales: 7
-- Closed Sales: 14
This section will address properties that are listed on the local MLS as short sales, bank owned, corporate owned or
in foreclosure in Sebring, FL. Highlands County market data in this section is including
All residential properties are included. As of 01/05/2010 the local MLS has:
Pending Bank Owned: 16
Bank Owned Sales In The Past 12 Months: 161
Active Short Sale: 87
Pending Short Sales: 67
Short Sales Closed In The Past 12 Months: 74
The decline/increase over the last 12 months is figured as follows. This data does include all residential types of properties (only duplexes excluded) sold on the local MLS:
01/01/2009-06/30/2009: Sebring: $95,000
07/01/2009-09/30/2009: Sebring: $92,500
07/01/2009-09/30/2009 Total Sales: 176 Average Days: 147 Average Sales Per Month: 58.7
10/01/2009-12/31/2009 Total Sales: 151 Average Days: 145 Average Sales Per Month: 50.
10/01/2009-12/31/2009: Sebring: $88,000
A decline in the median value of $7,000 or 7.37%