If you post frequently on Craigslist for real estate, you have undoubtedly ran into the problem of having posts flagged. Sometimes people don't take kindly to a link to a youtube tour or something similar, but it usually comes down to a couple spiteful people just decided to have a little fun and flag every post within a week-long period. It can be frustrating to say the least.
Until about a year ago, I always did what I would call a fancy presentation, with lots of graphics and photos. Pretty similar to a webpage layout. I started having big problems with flagging using this design, so I switched to something very basic. The thought was that the less my posts look like business ads, the less likely I will be targeted by flaggers. under this new style, the only fancyI did was input a large display pic and photo thumbnails into the post via html. It gets the info you need across without crossing the threshold of looking like it is a professional posting.
So did it work? I am happy to say, since this change, I no longer have any issues with flagging on Craigslist. Other than a random incident now and then, most of the 15+ ads I have up at any given time seem to pass through unscathed. If you are having similar problems, this might be a move to consider.
On the flip-side, I sometimes wonder if I am missing out on any potential clients by not having a flashier presentation. I have considered adding a few more features back into the mix to experiment, but just haven't gone through with it yet. I'm curious if anyone has any advice tips and pitfalls they have encountered on Craigslist?