
The future cost of our water in El Dorado Hills...You need to know!

Real Estate Agent with Future Homes & Real Estate B.R.E. License #1061646

EID's proposed rate hikes-compound to 80%!EID water storage Plant

You must know about EID's proposed rate increases-and get involved by attending one of their scheduled townhall meetings.  For one close to you-checkout HTTP://www.EID.ORG  They have already begun-there is no time to wait!   They are proposing a series of rate hikes, starting with 35% in 2010.  15% in 2011, and concluding with 5% over the following 3 years-2012-2014.  The notices began arriving the first week of this month.  Altogether it compounds to an 80% increase in 5 years.  The first rate hike is planned to go in to effect a week before Valentine's Day.  EID sent notices over the Holidays to kick-start a 45 day deadline for ratepayers to mail written protests to EID.  Protests must include the Assessor's Parcel Number of the property in which the person signing the protest letter has an interest.  Either as the owner, or tenant paying the utility bill.  Only one letter per parcel will be counted.  Under the terms of Proposition 218.  If 51% mail in objections to the rate increase-and do so within 45 days-the increase is defeated.  For more details, or for any information-feel free to contact your neighborhood residential specialist, Wendi-Mae Davis,CRS, GRI, Broker Associate and Real Estate Counselor for Connect Realty. 916-616-0874 or Toll Free 866-333-6333.  HTTP://

EID water storage Plant


Posted by



Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI

Broker Associate/Real Estate Counselor

Future Homes & Real Estate 


If you need a Miracle...Be a Miracle!

Exceeding Expectations, that is what I do.

Begin each day as though it were on purpose... 




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Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Perusing through some of your older posts.  Just wanted to see what was happening in your market.

Sep 02, 2017 08:43 PM
Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Checking out some of your past postings.  There is plenty of good, local information on them.

Sep 03, 2017 07:39 AM
Signature Homes & Estates
Signature Homes & Estates - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Just checking out some stuff on your blog post.  Always fun to read.  

Sep 14, 2017 05:48 AM
Eagle Ridge Real Estate Agents
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
Representing Buyers and Sellers in Eagle Ridge

Looking through some of your older posts.  I like what you post. 

Sep 26, 2017 09:04 AM
Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Looking at your older posts.  Informative stuff, keep it up!

Jul 24, 2018 04:54 AM
Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

I love looking at your past posts.  You always have good information on them.

Aug 03, 2018 07:15 AM
Signature Homes & Estates
Signature Homes & Estates - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Really good stuff.  I enjoy reading your posts!  Thank you.

Aug 15, 2018 07:37 AM
Signature Homes & Estates
Signature Homes & Estates - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Really good stuff.  I enjoy reading your posts!  Thank you.

Aug 16, 2018 06:10 AM
Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

Wonderful post on a localized topic.  Keep it up!  Hope some business flows your way!

Sep 01, 2018 06:46 PM
Eagle Ridge Real Estate Agents
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
Representing Buyers and Sellers in Eagle Ridge

Wonderful post on a localized topic.  Keep it up!  Hope some business flows your way!

Sep 01, 2018 07:03 PM
Eagle Ridge Realty
Eagle Ridge Realty - Gilroy, CA
"Our Performance Will Move You!"

You always write great localized posts.  Just checking out some of your past posts.

Sep 12, 2018 08:05 AM