
Waxhaw-Marvin a Union County RealEstate Market Report

Real Estate Agent with, LLC

Homes for Sale in Union County NC: Weddington, Waxhaw and Marvin, 4th Quarter 2009

Relax in Waxhaw NC
Relax in Waxhaw NC

The most popular "move to" county in nearby Charlotte NC is Union county, and these close-in suburbs  Weddington, Waxhaw and Marvin- also Matthews in Union county,  are communities of special interest to folks relocating to the greater Charlotte area. Union County is known for its bucolic setting and comfortable lifestyle, the area is served by qualioty Union County schools and the well regarded schools at Weddington (Weddington Elementary, Weddington Middle, and Weddington High School) and the campus at Marvin Ridge, with Marvin Ridge Middle School and Marvin Ridge High School, and is a comfortable commute to south Charlotte, the airport, and Uptown Charlotte.

Waxhaw and Marvin families love the new stores at Blakeney (Super Target, Best Buy, Pet Smart to name just a few, complete list) , Weddington families love the new Target and shops at Weddington and Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road.  If you want more pictures and community information follow these links, Waxhaw Homes and Communities or Weddington Homes and Communities

Homes Sold- 10/1/2009  to 12/31/2009- Zip Codes 28173, 28104

233 Homes Sold in these  Union County suburbs in the 4th quarter, 2009, ranging from just under $100,ooo to 2.5M. The median home price was $336,555 and the median net cost per square foot was $104.

Homes for Sale Under 350,000 accounted for 58% of the market in 2009, and they had an average cost per square foot of $90.

Homes For Sale under $500,000 accounted for 79% of the market, with an average cost per square foot of $96.

Compared to 2008, There was an  7.9% uptick in homes sales over a slow 2008, and a 11% drop in prices compared  to 4th quarter 2009- just a bit higher than the area average.

Popular Communities in Matthews, Marvin,  Waxhaw and Weddington- Median Cost Per Square Foot (average home, average condition)

<!-- BODY,DIV,TABLE,THEAD,TBODY,TFOOT,TR,TH,TD,P { font-family:"Arial"; font-size:x-small } -->

#sales Median C/sf
Brookhaven 12 170
Hunter Oaks 3 112
Cureton 10 115
Providence Downs 5 126
Chimneys of Marvin 16 110
Weddington Chase 6 122
The Reserve 2 98
Fairhaven 11 123

Weddington- Waxhaw -Matthews Home Search

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Matthews Under $350K 351-500K >$501K
Weddington Under $350K 351-500K >$501K
Waxaw Under $350K 351-500K >$501K

Like to know more numbers on your community? Just let us know- we prepare custom research for clients routinely. And if you like these charts, just sign up on right and get new charts weekly!

Prices reflect the seasonal low point for the year, see below
Real Estate Market Chart by Altos Research

These 4th quarter price decrease is well within the seasonal margins- demand slows to a crawl from just before Thanksgiving to about now.

Lets look at Median Prices (falling through the quarter) and the Market Action Index- (current sales versus current listings, 30 is neutral, below 30 is a  Buyers Market*)

See the rest of the story at Waxhaw Homes


Moving to Charlotte?    Many of our talented Group live in, work and love Waxhaw. Come on down to Union County, NC. Call Terry McDonald at 704-351-1519

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Chris Fox

I agree with you Union County is the most comfortable palce to live in. I think Charlotte and its neaby areas are wonderful places to have a home.

Movers Charlotte

Apr 08, 2010 09:28 PM