
When you were a teenager, did you do THIS?

Real Estate Agent with Mike Kelly Realty

As the employer of young folks in their 20's and the grandparent of 11grandchildren, I am continually amazed by their seemingly endless knowledge of the computer and what you can do with it.  Photoshop a picture? No problem (I didn't even know Photoshop was a verb!). Use a Excel worksheet? Sure thing. I've long accepted the fact that even if I worked at it 24/7 I would never be as adept or use a computer as effortlessly as they do. However, having accepted that, I was still a little surprised to find that my 13 year old granddaughter had set up her own website reviewing movies! 

This was her own idea. She and the rest of her family go to the movies pretty much every weekend (sometimes more than once) so she knows what she's talking about when it comes to movies. But I was amazed at the depth of her reviews - much more than "I liked it a lot!"  Not only are they much more computer savvy, but they're far ahead of me in blogging and social networking.

I wonder what the next generation will be like???  


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Vickie McCartney
Maverick Realty - Owensboro, KY
Broker, Real Estate Agent Owensboro KY

Hi Mike~  Think how much better our skills would be if we grew up on/with a computer,LOL!  I am amazed at how much my seven year old grand daughter can do.  She puts me to shame on my iphone!

Jan 21, 2010 12:45 PM
Mark L. Ostrovsky
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - Beachwood, OH
Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

Yes, these young people have had the good fortune and the ability to master this technology. But would you rather grow-up now or when you grew-up? One can always learn technology.

Jan 21, 2010 12:56 PM
Charles Stallions
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pensacola, FL
850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.

I am with you Mike, Just about have to hire a 12 year old to get anything done now.

Jan 21, 2010 01:17 PM
Mandy Buchholz
Benchmark Realty, LLC - Murfreesboro, TN

That is so cool Mike. I can't even imagine what my grandchildren will be like. It will be exciting to watch her grow.

Jan 21, 2010 01:43 PM
Mike Kelly
Mike Kelly Realty - Blairsville, GA

I would rather have grown up when I did than be a child today. After all, we had things as kids that my parents didn't have...TVs, lots of electronic gadgets, cars with automatic shifts...and I guess  some day these kids of today will be marveling at what THEIR kids know!

Jan 22, 2010 12:56 AM