Of Widgets, Buttons, & Badges
I took the first step towards learning these new terms today. I created my very own widget logo and added it to my side bar on this very blog. Now for those of you that have known about these wonderful new fangled dohickeys, good for you. For those of you that are either 14 years old or know someone who is 14 years old, good for you too. This is my first widget and I feel as though I just gave birth. It was a bit painful but after it was all over I smiled at it proudly and said "look what I created".
How fun is all this new technology. Next I am going to tackle Buttons & Badges followed by learning how to add videos. Be sure you all go to the AR search bar and spend the whole 10 minutes it took me watching Jeff Turners video and off you go to Widget land. His video tutorials are amazing. They are step by step easy to follow. Have fun