IT IS ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE!! Now when I say that to my ten year old little girl it means something entirely different. Of course she watches way to much "tween TV" on the Disney Channel also. I am talking about our attitude as real estate agents and Realtors. We all know what it is like when we are out in public. What is the question we get asked every day, particularly during this challenging economy? How's the market? Selling anything? Can you survive out there? Tough isn't it? Many people judge the market by our reaction.
I have a few colleagues that I meet with regularly, and all I hear from them is how tough it is, and how hard it is to make a living. When we sit down for a meal they pray for help during these tough times. When they speak at meetings the preface their remarks with words of regret and sympathy. Well I am sorry, I just don't buy it. Can you imagine if they start every conversation with a potential client like that? I guess life is tough for them right now.
"Tough market? Wow, Mr. and Mrs. client. I know that some of what you hear is not all sunshine and roses, but remember that real estate markets are local and what you see on the news is not the same every where. I am enjoying this market because with a little work ethic and basic business principles, I am doing just fine. My closings have actually been way up over the past six months and I am already off to a great start for 2010. What this market is really doing is shaking out some of the non-performers in a variety of industries from building and contracting all the way up to mortgage and banking. Our office has a strategy for dealing with changes in the market and instead of tightening our belts, we have actually increased our sales, increased our marketing, and are expanding and opening a new office!"
This is the most negative they will hear from me. I took over listings in a new neighborhood last August. The previous realtor had closed 1 home in about 10 months. Their website even has a section on it about the down market and new expectations for time on market! We have come out and averaged a home a month, have run out of inventory and have four in construction process. We love this market! It is whatever you say it is.
Remember fellow Realtors, WE are the barometer our local citizens use for their opinions and information about the market. WE determine our attitudes which in return will determine our success.