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Home Sales in Crosby, Texas from December 2008-December 2009

Real Estate Agent with Alliance Properties

Single Family Home Sales Statistics for Crosby, TX

In December of 2009 there were 15 homes that closed within the month for Crosby, Texas.

This is a decrease of 3 units as there were 18 homes that closed in December of 2008.


The Average sales price per square foot for the homes that closed in Crosby for December of 2008 was $60

The Average sales price per square foot for the homes that closed in Crosby for December of 2009 was $73


The Average sale price for the homes that closed in Crosby for December of 2008 was $114,950

The Average sale price for the homes that closed in Crosby for December of 2009 was $140,000


The Average Market time for the homes that closed in Crosby in December of 2008 was 106 days.

The Average Market time for the homes that closed in Crosby December of 2009 was 95 days.


31 homes were listed in Crosby, Texas in the month of December. 

                 January - December 2008 & 2009 Market Statistics for Crosby, TX  


In Crosby, TX for the period of January to December of 2008 there were 308 properties sold.

In Crosby, TX for the period of January to December 2009 there were 221 properties sold.

In Crosby, TX for the period of January to December in 2008 the median sale price was $121,707 and the average market time was 99 days.

In Crosby, TX for the period of January to December in 2009 the median sale price was $122,988 and the average time on the market was 84 days.

** The above statistics are for single family homes only and do not include condo's or Multi-family homes in Crosby, TX. The data was taken from Houston Association of Realtors(r) reports. For more information, please see their website at www.har.com

In comparing year over year longer term data for Crosby, TX there was fewer homes sold as compared to 2008. These numbers were weak as compared to previous years. The average sales price of homes also held steady with a slight increase. There was however, a pretty substantial drop in the average days on the market for a home on the market in Crosby. This is a positive sign going forward. Crosby remains a good town for those seeking a moderately inexpensive home just outside of the more expensive Atascocita and Kingwood area.

Please email me today if you are interested in listing you home for sale in the Crosby area. I will be happy to help you!

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