
First Time Homebuyer Seminar...Caught on tape!

Mortgage and Lending with Mercury Lending

If you would like to learn more about me, you can view my blog at Jon's Blog

I have been having trouble getting the coding to work perfectly everytime.  If for some reason, one of the clips is not working, you can also view the seminar on my website at Jon's Website.

This is the footage from a First Time Hombuyers Seminar I hosted with Jana Cole, an exclusive buyers agent of the San Francisco Bay Area

We hosted the event at the Land America Title Office in Daly City, California.  A special thanks to Laurel and James who stayed the long night we us. 

I have broken down the footage into 5 clips.  I will give you an idea of the topics in each clip so that you can click directly on the play button and will know what is about to play.  Please let me know if you have any questions in any way.  I hope you learn something!

Clip #1

Who is involved?

Appraisal - what is it?

Types of Properties - Single Family Residence, Condo/ Townhome, 2 - 4 Unit 

Clip #2

Qualifying Tools

Fico Score

Down Payment


Financing Options - Types of Financing

 Clip #3

Financing Options Continued

Fixed vs. Adjustable Mortgage

Reality of an Option Arm

Loan Structure 

 Clip #4


Check out my two part series on budgeting on my blog:

Budgeting Made Easy! Part 1

Budgeting Made Easy! Part 2 

Expenses to Buy A Home

 Clip #5

 Expenses to Buy a Home Continued


I hope you have enjoyed the footage.  If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.  You can reach me at 650-465-5846 at any time. 

Jon Vetter

San Francisco Loan Officer, for your San Francisco Home Loan


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Chris Molina
Cooper & Associates Real Estate - Elk Grove, CA
Realtor, Elk Grove CA

Great post!  With my broker's help, I put on a first time home buyer class in Elk Grove not too long ago.  I think if you position yourself in such a way that you are there to educate first time home buyers rather than try to sell them at your event, you will more than likely have leads that will want to do business with you.  I hope your seminar went well, ours was a last minute thing but we had 5 new clients, which turned into 3 pre-qualified leads and one of those materialized into a pending escrow.  I figure if we do this every month and amp up our prospecting to get more people there, we can easily get 2-3 deals a month just by holding first time home buyer seminars!  Awesome post!

Chris Molina, Realtor®

Jul 12, 2007 06:04 PM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA

Thanks Chris!  I think seminar are a great source.  The tough part is getting people there.  If you can do that, the numbers will work themselves out!

Thanks for stopping by!

Jul 12, 2007 06:10 PM
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL
Good Job Jonathan.
Jul 13, 2007 02:16 AM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA
Thank you Bill for coming by!  We had fun.  It is funny watching yourself on tape, you learn your little quarks.  More to work on in the future.
Jul 13, 2007 05:23 AM
Kate Bourland
Marketing with Kate - Redding, CA
Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing
Excellent post and thanks for sharing.  I'm in the process of putting together a marketing plan for some of my real estate agents that I work with - hadn't thought about this as a way to partner with Agents.  As usual, AR delivers with awesome ideas, support and camaraderie.  thank you
Jul 13, 2007 10:22 AM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA


 Thank you for the comment.  The seminar was great, and I think a great internet marketing tool for the future. 


Come back anytime!


Jul 17, 2007 10:44 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Jonathan.....  I watched the first two.....   this looks like it took a long time. nice job.

jeff belonger

Jul 21, 2007 01:05 PM
Jonathan Vetter
Mercury Lending - San Francisco, CA

Jeff,  Thanks for fighting through the first two.  I hope to improve it next time.  I noticed a few of my bad habits!  The hardest part is getting the videos to work.  I have noticed that they load in Firefox everytime. 


Who knows!

Jul 22, 2007 03:14 AM