
Snap Fish

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Sharing overview
Invite friends and family to see your online photos. There are three ways to share photos and albums.

  • Share your photos with an email invitation that we send on your behalf
  • Share your photos with a web address link that you can copy and paste to social networks, blogs, instant messages, emails, and more
  • Share your photos to your social networks or blog

How to share a photo or album, step by step
No matter which share method you want to use, follow the steps below to get started.

Select an album (or several) to share
Starting from your photo library, follow these steps:

  1. Click 'share' in the blue menu on the right side of the page.
  2. Click 'share albums.'
  3. On the following page, click the albums you'd like to share.
  4. Click the 'choose these albums' button.

Select a photo to share
Starting from your photo library, follow these steps:

  1. Click 'share' in the blue menu on the right side of the page.
  2. Click 'share a photo.'
  3. On the following page, click the album that contains the photo you'd like to share. Then click 'choose this album.'
  4. Next, click the photo you'd like to share, then click 'choose this photo.'

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Share with an email
To get started, follow the steps above for selecting a photo or album. Once you have selected a photo or album to share, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the 'share with an email' tab on the share page.
  2. In the 'addresses' field, type the email addresses of friends you want to share your photo(s) with. Separate each address with a comma or line break. Your friends will see only their own email addresses in the 'To:' portion of the message, not those of the other recipients.
    • Use addresses from your Snapfish address book
      If you want to enter addresses from your Snapfish address book, click the 'Snapfish address book' link above the addresses field. A pop-up window will appear. Check the recipients you'd like to include, and click the 'choose addresses' button.
    • Import addresses from your webmail address book
      You can also import email addresses from your web-based email address book. click the 'import your contacts' link above the addresses field. Follow the prompts in the pop-up to import your contacts.
    • Decide whether you'd like a copy
      Check the box beneath the address field if you would like to receive a copy of the email.
  3. When you share a photo, we include a standard message in the email we send on your behalf. You can remove or change the default message by typing over the existing text or adding to it in the 'personal message' box. Your friends will see your greeting, followed by instructions for how to view your photo.
  4. Click the 'share album(s)' or 'share photo' button, and we'll email the invitation to the recipients you've chosen.

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Share a photo or album with a link
To get started, follow the steps above for selecting a photo or album. Once you have selected a photo or album to share, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the 'share with a link' tab on the share page.
  2. In the tab, you'll see a box with the web address link for your photo or album.
  3. To copy the link, click the 'copy link' button just below the link box.
  4. Paste the link in an email or instant message, or on your blog or social network page. Your friends and family will be able to access your photos directly through the link.

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Share a photo or album to social networks
To get started, follow the steps above for selecting a photo or album. Once you have selected a photo or album to share, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the 'share to...' tab on the share page.
  2. Click the icon for the social network or blog where you want to share your photos.
  3. You'll be asked to log in to your social network or blog account. Follow their prompts for sharing your photo or album.

When you share a photo or album to your social network or blog, a thumbnail image and a link to your photos will be displayed on your page for your friends to see.

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Share a photo or album to a group room
To get started, follow the steps above for selecting an album. Once you have selected an album to share, follow the steps below:

Note: You can currently only share entire albums to group rooms.

  1. Click the "Share to group room" tab on the share page.
  2. Check the boxes next to the names of the group rooms that you want to share to.
  3. Click the "share album" button.

You can also add an album to your group room from the main group room page. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page of the group room you want to add it to.
  2. From the main group room page, click the "More you can do" dropdown menu.
  3. Choose "Add photos" from the dropdown menu.
  4. On the following page, click the albums that you want to add to the room. You can use the menu on the left of the page to browse through your favorites or older albums.
  5. Click "add to room" when you've selected your albums.

No matter which way you add your album to a group room, it will be displayed on the main page of the group room underneath the photos section.

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