The homebuyer tax credits can apply to investors in some circumstances. If an investor will be residing in the newly purchased property, they can take a tax credit in proportion to the % of the building they will be using as their personal residence. Great time to invest!
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Quality Home Investments, LLC / Dearborn Heights, MI - Dearborn Heights, MI
Real Estate Investor
Ron - If I understand you correctly, does that mean if it is a four unit complex the investor would get a 25% credit and if it is a single family home they would get 100% provided it was their primary residence?
Jan 29, 2010 02:08 AM
Shepherd Real Estate LLC - Lititz, PA
That's right! 10% of the purchase price with a max of either $8,000 or $6,500 depending on which credit they are eligible for. It's a great time for someoene to get into an investment property.
Jan 29, 2010 02:32 AM