
Going GREEN natural products

Real Estate Agent with The Keyes co. Realtors

Natural Products can Help with Eco-Friendly Home Improvements
Materials outside the home can also contribute to health problems. One example is pressure-treated lumber, which contains a form of cyanide to keep pests away. Kids who play on backyard jungle gyms and decks made of such material can develop rashes and skin infections. Cedar wood is a naturally pest-resistant that, while more expensive, is a kinder-gentler option that will stand the test of time.

Simple Eco-Friendly Home Improvements Anyone Can Do
Other ways to go green-up the home including replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with more energy-efficient compact fluorescents, as well as switching out conventional hot water heaters in favor of solar hot heaters or on-demand tankless versions. And for saving on water, replacing traditional showerheads and toilets withpressurized low-flow alternatives can save gallons per day while generating cost savings on utility bills. Likewise, capturing rainwater and shower "gray-water" to irrigate the garden is another smart move.