
“How To Double Your Income” presented by Mickey O’Brien in Sacramento

Services for Real Estate Pros with Credit, Wealth & Success Coaching
On Saturday February 20th I’ll be speaking at Successful Thinkers about “How To Double Your Income", how to get more clients, how to get bigger and better clients, how to expand services for existing clients, how to increase fees without losing business, how to manage time and resources so your practice can be stress-free with plenty of time off….etc. Come and be a part of an event that could change your business and life…There’s limited space so reserve your spot. Oh, did I mention it’s FREE? Here is the RSVP that is set up for this event: There is also a Facebook invitation on the fanpage (Sacramento Successful Thinkers) taking people to the eventbrite RSVP. Here is another invite that was created for the event on Facebook, not on our Sacramento Successful Thinkers fanpage: Meet people in your community, network, build relationships! Hope to see you there! Jen :) Ps: Oh, if you want to check out more about Sacramento Business Coach Mickey O'Brien go to his website