Almost a year ago, R & D Management built 2 multi-user website platforms. One is The Wordless Blog and the other is Neighborhood Expert Online. Since that point and time, we have grown each network to more than 500 users each. Now, today, we are selling both networks off due to Positive Real Estate Professionals, a Real estate multi-user network, taking most of our time to run.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with what a multi-user website platform is, here is a brief description. It is a platform that allows for a large number of people to have a website/blogsite on one network. Being on the one network brings more exposure to search engines, therefore driving more visitors to the site or network.
With that said, ultimately these network platforms are designed to make money. In the case of these 2, we decided to offer free membership while managing ad space on each individuals site. This can be done by selling ad space to companies or using Google Adsense or another avenue to collect revenue. The monotization of a network platform such as these are unlimited in how you want to do them.
Now, here is the part everyone wants to know. Typically networks like this sale for $2500 new build. We are actually offering each of these sites at $500. We also can work with you for a time period that you determine in order to help you along with the site. There is a fee for us to do that, but it is determined by the length of time.
If you or anyone you know is interested in purchasing either of these sites, please email Rich Dansereau or myself ASAP.