
Gwinnett Property Tax Assessment Challenges

Real Estate Agent with Atlanta Housing Source at Solid Source Realty, Inc.

Just a reminder, if you think some of your properties declined in value over the past year or two, you might want to "re declare" your property value with the Gwinnett County Tax commission. [also applies for other counties]

To do so, you must fill out a form called-- Property Tax Return Form, and submit it by the end of February. The way to do this is to click on to the following link.

Once in the Gwinnett County web site, click on Real Property Tax Return. This takes you to the from you need. Type in a property address or parcel ID number, and it will print out data for 2009. All you need to do is put in a final number for 2010 and submit it to the county by the due date.

Keep in mind the millage rate increased in 2009. So the assessed value needs to be reduced just to break even.

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Geoff ONeill
John L. Scott Medford - Medford, OR

Amen.  Most of the tax board that reviews our property tax appeals are retired Realtors.  Show up with a good CMA, and your can get your home back to Fair Market Value.

Jan 30, 2010 01:52 PM
Richard L. Sanderson
Richard L. Sanderson Consulting - Kalama, WA
helping improve local property tax systems

Two points: (1) Be certain the CMA has an effective date for value close to the effective date for assessments; and (2) any comparable sales should be within the same time frame used for the reassessment.  Otherise the challenge may not be effective.

Jan 31, 2010 07:03 AM