
Interesting Residential Stats for Sedona, AZ.

Real Estate Agent with Sedona Elite Properties Management, Inc.

As of January 31, 2010 there are approximately (40) residential properties in Sedona that are for sale, classified under the following Special Conditions:

  Court Approval Reqd  
  Corp Approval Reqd  
  Foreclosure/Lndr Own  
  Short Sale/Lndr Appr

They range in price from $159,900 to $1,999,000.  Since October 1, 2010 there have been 52 sales, ranging in price from $122,000 to $978,000 with the average selling price from $369,600 - 2437 s.f. @ $151 s.f.


There are currently 311 Active Residential Listings, without special conditions, ranging in price from $219,500 to $15M.  Here is what you get for the money:

Currently, out of the 311 residential listings, the least expensive home is $219,000, 1232 s.f., with 1 bedroom and 1 bath, built in 1971 and located on .25 acre.

The $15M home (currently the most expensive in Sedona) is 15,000 s.f., with 7 bedrooms and 14 baths, built in 2003 and located on 10 acres. 

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Leander McClain
North East, MD
Cecil & Harford County Realtor

This is an interesting look at the homes for sale in your market.

Thanks for sharing this information with your clients

Have a great day


Jan 31, 2010 02:50 AM