Buyers can be so very frustrating. No matter how much you want to help them they only hear what they want to hear and in the end -It's all your fault.
I have worked with these buyers for well over a month now and had them talk with a lender before I ever took them to see any properties. The lender explained that she could get them a loan but there were two issues on his credit report that he would have to clear up to zero balance before it would be approved. No Problem they said. (Mind you they shared these details with me, not the lender.)
Didn't hear from the buyers for a couple weeks while they attempted to resolve these issues. Great! We're moving right along. When they were ready to move on they called me to do the contract and when I asked about the issues they told me they had put them in dispute. At my suggestion they talked to the lender who told them that no matter if they were in dispute that it must show a zero balance in order to complete the loan. Again-no problem. They would take care of it. We wrote the contract.
The lender calls them this week to get proof the items were paid and they got very angry and said that they were in dispute and they could show those documents to the underwriter. When she explained that she must have proof of a zero balance they got very angry at both the lender and myself. So what can you do?
Now they pretend that the lender told them she could work with the dispute thing. I have worked with this lender for 14 years and I know better. So what is it that buyers believe they can just wish away their problems? I don't get it. After all these years it still baffles me. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Don't they get it? We are only trying to work with them to accomplish their goal!