We had a lawyer in yesterday to talk to us about surveys. He mentioned the importance of making sure you have a survey and not a lot plan. Often we put a clause in an offer which states the buyer would like the existing survey in the Seller's possession and often the seller thinks they have a survey. When we are listing a property sometimes the Seller will say "Yeah, I have a survey but I'm not sure where I put it and often we say ok I'll get that later on". The lawyer suggested leaving the clause out of the offer and off the listing just in case it isn't a survey or maybe it's an outdated survey or just a plan. Instead he suggested just attaching a copy of whatever seller has to the offer. I usually go to the registration office and check on the last survey, deed etc. but not everyone does and if you leave it out of the offer apparently the buyer won't be looking for a survey. The lawyer strongly suggested Title insurance for the best coverage.