

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Wilson-Shaffer Real Estate

January 25th, 2010

I don't spend much time on Face Book or Twitter  or other such sites for the simple reason that I don't have time.  However, someone just called my attention to a Face Book site that was developed for the sole purpose of holding up a person (who I will not name, but it is not me in case you are wondering) to ridicule, and I find that reprehensible and sad for so many reasons.  First of all, why would anyone go out of their way to hurt a person?  Did this person cause them some kind of harm and this is revenge?  Certainly not in this case.  Are the people participating in this prank simply bored?  My opinion is that they are thoughtless, mean-spirited individuals who desperately need to widen their perspective on the world and learn how to make the best use of their time.  Their little Face Book prank is right down there with the dregs of the Internet.

And yes, many of the comments I receive on this blog are also trash put their by people who do not use their time on earth wisely.  However, many people do read it for its content, and I am thankful to those people.

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Michael Collins
*ROCK REALTY|Broker|Realtor|Real Estate|WI Short Sale Agent* - Janesville, WI
CDPE, SFR , Wisconsin Short Sale Specialist Realto

Well, there are a lot of bad intentioned people out there.

I personally have learned a ton from Active Rain blogs and enjoy people's insight.  Social Networking also has helped bring in leads.  I hope your experience gets better online :)

Michael Collins - Broker
Rock Realty

May 04, 2010 10:06 AM