
An eye opening twist on the nature of doing business...

Home Inspector with Pillar To Post Queens County

I just returned from our annual Pillar to Post Home Inspection seminar in Nashville.  It was three days of technical and business training, company updates and motivational speaking.  

A great time was had by all and I learned and shared a lot with many of my peers from all around the US and Canada.  Ways to improve and grow my business and improve the excellent service we already provide our customers and clients.

We have some exciting new programs being rolled out that will benifit both us as Home Inspectors and the entire real estate community, benefitingncluding Realtors, Brokers, Buyers and Sellers. Pillar to Post is The top home inspection company in North America both in Quality, size and reputation.  I am proud to be part of this organization and have even more pride in the work I service I provide here in Queens.

I have been in the business for 7 years now conducting Home Inspections for people from all walks of life.  I try to conduct the best inspection possible, not the best inspection I can do...the Best inspection possible.  sometimes we succeed at this, sometimes we don't.  It's the human aspect in all that we do.  we strive for the best but don't allways attain it, leaving rom for improvement. 

Through the three days of sessions there was a quote brought out by one of the speakers that i felt summarized the service industry as a whole.  In particular everyone attached to the real estate transaction where emotions can run high and loyalty and trust are so important for both immediate satisfaction and long term happiness.  

I was reminded of this aspect of the business this weeekend also by two separate clients that had a home inspected by us around 2 years ago.  Both called to schedule an inspection this week for a second home they were purchasing and both cited the fact they were very happy with the first inspection we conducted for them.  I think even more than the quality of the inspection (which I am confident was excellent) is the human aspect of connecting with the customer or client that stays with them and leads not only to repeat business but referals as well. 

The quote is as follows: 

'People will forget what you said. people will forget what you did. but people will never forget how you made them feel' - Maya Angelo

I follow thius general approach to my contact with people in both business and daily life anyway, but this quote opened my eyes to it and made me aware of it even more.  I hope this is inspiring to you as well.