As I sit here over the weekend pondering where the market is headed, I must remind myself where it has been over the last few years, and think back to where it was when I entered the crazy real estate industry way back in 1987. Although it was in the hotel side of the business at the time, I quickly learned that aside from the top line sales at each hotel, it was ALWAYS about the value of the real estate. Well, a lot has certainly happened from that time to now, but one thing that is certainly constant, is that in every market, good or bad, increasing or deflating, that there is an opportunity to maximize one's return by investing in real estate. As the author a soon to be released book via Entrepreneur Press, I took heart of my own investments, those of my friends and family members, as well as those of my clients, realizing that like the stock market, you must look at real estate over the long haul; something that far too many people have failed to realize.
Did we enjoy double digit appreciation year over over year? Of course we did! Did we as individuals, investment clubs, and society benefit from the increase in real estate values? Of course we did! Did some people get in over their heads as they could not visualize the end of the equity growth, which was really the only reason they ever got into purchasing real estate, though they could not have ever imagined they'd be able to make the payments as time wore on? Of course, everyone did.
One of the many purposes of the book is to create a publication that could serve as a how-to and why book for the foreclosure market. Thus far, I have had individuals that have just started, or want to start in real estate, as well as people who have been in the business for decades (I won't say who they are to protect their fragile egos!), who appreciate the perspective we took in writing this book. They pointed out that it shows that we love what we do, and as we always try to help families on a day to day basis, we have sought to do the same by providing real world examples and explanations in the book. I never imagined it would come out this way, but thus far I've had the book used as a guide by the consumer directly, as well as lenders, investors, realtors, and anyone else that wants to look at the changing dynamic of real estate, as we go through our next aggressive foreclosure cycle in the coming years.
I hope that you really enjoy reading our book, as much as we enjoyed writing it. We'd love to hear what you think, and of course would love to answer any questions moving forward about the future of the real estate market, the impact of lending standards on that market, as well as web 2.0 that will certainly revolutionize the way we look at the internet today.....yea, I know, five years ago, you couldn't have imagined the power of Google, YouTube, and Ipods, so is it really that far fetched for you to shake your head and think that the web will NOT continue to evolve faster than you could ever imagine? Just look at that Blackberry, Treo, or Iphone that you're holding onto. :)
Finding Foreclosures; Distributed by Entrepreneur Press, available at and other online resellers for pre-order; also available at Barnes and Noble exclusively on August 1, 2007!