
Hungry? Don't want to go out in the cold? Just thought I'd share this article from Seacoast online by Rachel Forrest, sounds like a great business idea!!!

Real Estate Agent with Bean Group

Say hello to Bonjour delivery service

By Rachel Forrest February 03, 2010 1:30 PM

It's the dead of winter, the snow is falling and it's cold outside. Or maybe it's summer and downtown Portsmouth is so busy you just don't want to deal with the parking and the crowds.

So who are you going to call if you want some good food and don't want to cook? Just say "Bonjour" and voila! Your food is delivered to your door by a pleasant person wearing a jaunty red beret. OK, they don't have the berets yet, but they will, said Bonjour co-founder Kenton Slovenski.

"Yes, we're getting little berets for the delivery people. It will be fun," Slovenski said.

Those delivery people include Bonjour co-founder Alex Lamb, who works with Slovenski at Warren's Lobster House in Kittery, Maine. It was there that the idea to deliver food from local restaurants to homes in Kittery, New Castle, Newington and Portsmouth was born.

"We started the whole thing in mid-October to early November," Slovenski said. "Alex and I worked at Warren's Lobster House and we had some down time so we were sitting with one of the managers and thought there would be a market for this. Lots of Portsmouth restaurants don't deliver. Right now, we're just starting out slow and then move forward."

On the roster so far is Warren's, The Portsmouth Gaslight's downstairs pizza pub and Chef's Cove in Kittery.

"We're working on getting more restaurants," Slovenski said. "We want to make sure that any restaurant can afford us. The cost is based on each delivery. The customer calls the restaurant and places an order, pays for it, and the restaurant calls us. We pick up the order and get it to the customer within 30 to 40 minutes. For the restaurant there's no risk and no set fee per month."

Bonjour works with each restaurant to come up with a pricing model that fits its need, including a per delivery fee or a percentage fee based on the cost of the order. Slovenski said both the customer and the restaurant benefit.

"Right now people are weary because of the weather," Slovenski said. "They call around to find out who delivers and it's usually pizza or Chinese. We'll give more variety, more medium priced restaurants, too. We can also do bigger orders for offices. It's also cheaper for the customer. You can have your own drinks and don't need to tip a server. That can add up.

"And for the restaurant, they don't have to pay a server or busperson. They're saving on the service end. My goal is to get a diverse list of restaurants that don't already deliver. For the restaurant, they don't have to pay a delivery person."