Webinar offers information on benefits of wells
Those interested in learning about the benefits of local natural-gas drilling may attend today's webinar in Norwich, presented by Commerce Chenango, Cooperative Extension of Chenango County and the Pennsylvania State University Extension.
Chenango County business owners and their representatives will be admitted free, and those from outside the county will pay $5 apiece. The 90-minute session will begin at 8 a.m. at the Eaton Center at 19 Eaton Ave.
At the session, attendees will learn how to increase their trade as the area is developed by gas drillers and associated industries.
A registration form for the seminar _ which will be followed by two more on Feb. 10 and 17 _ asks: ``Is your business or community poised to profit?
``The hottest natural-gas boom in the world is right here.
"The Marcellus Shale formation is driving energy firms to Pennsylvania and New York, and the influx of dollars is creating significant business opportunities with natural gas and service companies.''
Experts from Penn State University will discuss business strategies and opportunities, according to Ken Smith, executive director of the county's Cooperative Extension.
Maureen Carpenter, president and chief executive officer of Commerce Chenango, said business opportunities may abound locally, as wells are drilled and pipelines laid to put the area's natural gas into circulation.
As drilling crews and others arrive, restaurants and motels stand to profit. Less-obvious beneficiaries may include ``welding supply companies, gas stations, loggers, excavators and trucking companies,'' she said.
Smith said local business owners will learn how to contact key personnel at natural-gas firms.
The forums are designed to make business owners comfortable with natural-gas development, Smith said.
Sometimes local people act as if gas drilling were ``an alien subject,'' but the state has been home to natural-gas drilling, he noted.
For more information, contact Carpenter at 334-1404 or by e-mail at info@chenangony.org.
Daily Star article