
New schools in Spring Hill, TN

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Woodmont Realty


I wanted to get the message out to everyone about the new elementary school opening in August 2010 in Spring Hill.  The school is Allendale Elementary and now has it's own website;

Last night, my son and I went on their website to vote on the new mascot and colors.  We are very excited about this new school because it is in walking distance from our house.  Riley, my son, cannot wait to ride his bike every day to and from school.

I am confident that these new schools will be just as great as the rest of Williamson County's fine learning establishments.

To find other schools in Williamson County, please visit

New school


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Dale Baker
Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections - Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information

Howdy and Mornen there Rani

Congrats on the new School!!! Sure does look like its going to be a mighty fine School, for the young folks to attend.

Baker Home Energy Audit and Commercial Properties Inspections

Feb 04, 2010 09:53 PM
Rani Figueroa
Prudential Woodmont Realty - Spring Hill, TN

I agree!  Thanks for the response dale ;-)

Feb 05, 2010 04:43 AM