
Willing to look foolish

Real Estate Agent with Exit Creative Reaty

I decided some time ago I really like the relationship approach. I want people to know what I am up to. I don't mind them knowing I'm a little strange, So are they. so are you. So watch it, buster. I find humor in a lot of things. I find humor in people who don't find me humorous. I started sending out emails, blogs, marketing pieces that Cecelia would tell me after "made her nervous." For example. We made this sign up for our community. It says "We live here and we love it". Our community management team jumped into action and made me take it down. I responded with the following email. Most people do have a sense of humor, including the management company. They now advertise in our newsletter and get that it's ok to have fun. We really do live here and love it.

Our sig we live here and love it   

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Kieran and Cecelia Loughman
Exit Creative Reaty - North Port, FL

They'll hate it. No they won't. Yes they will. You are weurd.


Feb 04, 2010 10:56 AM
John Thomas
E3 Green HOMES - Boulder, CO
EcoBroker, MSEE, MBA

We could all use a little more humor. I laugh at myself sometimes how I take things so seriously. It wouldn't hurt to enLighten Up a little more from time to time.

Feb 04, 2010 11:57 AM
Sara Woolford & Steve Golson, ALHS
iTexas Realty Co. - San Antonio, TX

Thanks for a chuckle...I try to be humerous, not sure ANYONE 'gets it'  (Sara- sometimes).  But least a smile, perhaps a chuckle, will break the ice most times.  We're human, right? - why not ENJOY! -Steve

like your sign, got me thinking

Feb 04, 2010 12:40 PM
John Howard
Century 21 LeMac Realty - Mountain Home, AR
GRI, Mountain Home, Arkansas 870-404-3614

Much rather have a smile than a frown, thanks for the reminder, and hey... I like your sign!

Feb 06, 2010 01:27 PM