
Networking for success - Are you short term or long term shopping?

Mortgage and Lending with Fairway Independent Mortgage

I am sure everyone reading this (all 2 of you :-) have been to networking meetings, business social events, or participated in some kind of lunch and learn or meet and greet.  The whole point of being there is to expand your network, meet new people, and hopefully either earn their business or walk away with referrals.  We have all been there.  You enter the room with a pocket full of cards, your best suit on, and a great big smile.  The room is full of people.  They are milling around, everyone is talking and having a great time and there you are - like a wall flower at a Jr Prom!

Well hopefully not the wall flower part!  For me being at these kinds of events is two fold. 

1.  I love to people watch and see how poeple interact.  You can learn a lot about how to and how not to network by just watching others network.  How many times do you see the flashy guy/gal come through - throwing out cards, shaking hands, and making promises.  You see them at maybe one or two meetings and then they have moved on.  For them - its all about what they need and want.  Very short minded and short sided.  Usually they will complain about the group and that they are not getting anything out of it and that is why they moved on.

2.  I look for ways I can help people or put others together.  If your heart and mind are in the right place networking is so much more productive and fun!  Look for long term relationships not the easy next day sell.  Through the years I have found that by helping others - those longer lasting business relationships develop almost naturally.  On going referrals are what we all want and need - be a resource and an asset rather than a flashy smile and business card! 

Good luck out there! 

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Take care,

Ken Land

Senior Mortgage Planner

704-641-8363 Cell

704-200-2325 Office

8430 Rea Rd Suite E

Charlotte, NC  28277

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