I don't usually come here to toot my own horn. I usually save that for at home. But I just might this morning. During the winter is our slowest time of the year. That being said, I have done a little website tweaking.
I made quite a few changes to the overall look of the site, and a few minor changes as well.
I really like how it has turned out, but that does not always mean anything. So, I am looking for some constructive criticism to let me know what the public thinks of my new look. Don't hold back folks. Now is your chance to laugh, giggle, point, gang up on the kid, whatever you need to do. I can handle the scrutiny.
In all seriousness, the thing I am most concerned about is the load time of the first page. If anyone could take the time to take a glance, I would appreciate it very much. And if you see something I could do differently, let me know.
Thanks so much.