
Social Media Real Estate Marketing E-Book Offers Hope To Stressed Realtors

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Naomi Trower, Real Estate Broker, Premier Equity Group, Inc.

It’s no secret that many struggling realtors have given up in the past few years; in fact, National Association of Realtors numbers show that their ranks have shrunk 11 percent since the peak of the market in 2006.

However, there is hope for those who are willing to use new methods of self promotion. Real estate broker Naomi Trower has discovered a new way to market her business using social media, and she’s been so successful at it, she has written an ebook outlining her methods step by step. The book, “Social Media Marketing: Market Your Real Estate & Mortgage Business Using The Power of Social Media”, is available at

“I have seen so many people leaving our industry during the past 3 years, so that prompted me to look at alternative cost effective strategies to market our business,” Trower explained. “The past 2 years I've integrated internet & social media marketing into our marketing strategy, and I have had so much success using these strategies to increase my business even in these troubled economic times, that I wanted to share that success with everyone in the real estate market.”

Trower found that using sites like Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Youtube has proven to be an extremely cost effective way to market her services. It also provides her with the opportunity to reach a huge new audience who she might never have been able to reach with expensive traditional methods of advertising.

Her ebook shows how anyone can strategically grow their Twitter following to tens of thousands; how to come up with the social media marketing plan that’s right for them; how to build up fans for their Facebook business page; how to ensure that their blog is not just found in search engines, but ranked highly; and many other valuable insights into using social media to find more customers and make more sales.

“I've been able to obtain 15 to 20 new leads per week with the use of these social media strategies, and I can show everyone the exact steps that I’ve used,” according to Trower. Trower, a social media strategist, avid blogger, and entrepreneur, is a real estate broker in the state of California.

She owns Premier Equity Group, Inc. & Premier Realty Group. She has a team of real estate agents and mortgage consultants. In addition to being a real estate broker, she enjoys helping others achieve real estate and business success. Those seeking more information or wishing to purchase her ebook can visit