In late December 2009, my daughter purchased, from Best Buy, a Dell Inspiron 14. The laptop worked for a week before the hard drive stopped. After a two hour phone call to Dell's tech help center somewhere halfway around the world, we were told that the hard drive needed to be replaced. Dell said they would order the drive and have a tech come out to our home to replace the drive. About two days later the hard drive was delivered to our home. When we called Dell they had a different story. Now we had to install the drive ourselves. As it turned out, it took some time but we did it correctly. Selva (the supervisor) said if there is any other problems call him directly. As soon as the drive booted up a window appeared with factory.wim is not present. Now the nightmare begins. Several calls later to the foreign tech center still have us telling our story over and over. Finally we reached Selva's voicemail at 1-800-624-9896 Ex 4543514 dispatch number 809725818 where we have called several times and have left several messages but no reply or call back.
Dell has become the purveyor of pure junk. They can't give you a product that works for more than a week. Oh, did I tell you they sent us a refurbished drive. That right, we buy a new laptop with a bad drive and get it replaced with a refurbished drive. They can't use the US for the tech support of US citizens. They have people in India that can't help you. You have to spend hours on the phone and get nowhere. No wonder Dell has become one of the lowest ranked computer manufacturers in the world. I plan to blog this story everywhere. I don't think Dell will do anything about it or even cares. This isn't a small problem. I can't download my printer software because of the factory.wim situation. After spending almost $600 for this piece of junk, you think they might want to keep me happy. Who knows I might want to buy another computer from them. That I can assure you will never happen again. I can only hope I save someone else a lot of trouble by sending them elsewhere for their computer purchase.