One of the things I like best about a home office is being able to work in my jammies. I'm not talking Victoria Secrets or Frederick's here...I'm talking good old fashioned PJ's.
The problem, of course, is getting too comfortable. I've blogged before about how much I hate being an Indiana realtor in winter. I'm not sure it got up to 20 degrees here and more snow is on the way.
So once again, I have to work very hard at being productive even when I'd rather curl up with hot cocoa in front of the fireplace. Here's what can be accomplished in your "night" clothes:
1. Blog on Active Rain, of course
2. Invite others to Active Rain
3. Update your Facebook profile or picture. Keepin' it fresh.
4. Write a new business plan
5. Re-organize your filing system. Or in my case, find my filing system
6. Order new business cards
7. Update your web site. Make sure all your links are working.
8. Follow up on your leads. Follow up some more. Don't forget to follow up.
9. Get some on-line CE's done.
10. Work on a power point presentation
11. Check your farm. And no, I don't mean the Facebook kind. I mean check property values and movement in your prospecting area(s)
12. Write thank you cards, birthday cards, Valentine's Day cards, I'm thinking of you cards
13. It's already about 6 weeks into the new year. Remember those resolutions written on 1/1/10? Review, analyze, tweak, recommit.
14. Resist the urge to do the laundry, vacuum, shovel snow or any other household tasks. This is office time. Just remember to not have your office open 16 hours a day which is a problem for those of us who can always find one more thing to do.
15. Finally, be grateful that we are in an industry in which we can have a pajama party at work!