It still isn't good-The El Dorado Irrigation District's upper management unveiled a reduced rate increase previously presented as "Plan B" in El Dorado Hills a little over a week ago. The new proposal lowers the first year hike from 35% to 18%, retains the 15% & 5% increases in years 2 and 3, and puts of the increase in years 4 and 5. According to EID Gen. Mgr. Jim Ambercrombie, "Plan B is the result of outcry from prior workshops & an estimated 4000 protest letters"-well short of the 20,000 plus req'd to block the increase (Prop. 118 on majority vote). Also a result of an improved power conract, restructured debt, further reductions in capital improvements, and anticipated employee wage and benefit concessions.
in respones to the "why now", "why so much" questions, Ambercrombie said, "we should have been increasing rates slowly over the last ten years."
We better keep our eye on EID!
For additional information on this subject, or any info. you might need on our fine town of Cameron Park-Wendi-Mae is your Resident Realtor, and neighborhood specialist!
Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI
Broker Associate
Real Estate Counselor
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