As The snow continues to fall, in Washington DC.
This has been a crazy week to be a Property Manager in Washington DC to say the least. The snow started falling on Friday night Feb 5th 2010. It dumped about 30 inches of snow, and left late saturday. The sun was shinning on Sunday. With the lack of snow plows, the roads were still covered on Monday. Tuesday was a good day to get to the office and see what rent came in the mail, and do as mush as possible before the next storm hit. From the sounds of it the city might be shut down for a few more days...
The trees are breaking from the weight of the snow...
The snow has basically stopped everything here and around Washington DC. The mail is backed up for who knows how long. We did receive some rent post marked Feb 1st on Feb 8th. Most tenants say they have mailed their rent, some paid online, and other did drop it by the office before the storm. Who knows how much snow will come down today and tomorrow. It's already over 1 foot, and still going strong. We are still trying to do business as usual, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. This seems to be one of those times when you make an exception for late rent. We keep telling the tenants that the owner won't get a brake on their mortgage payment. So they better get it in quick.
Yes there is a car under that snow!
Fortunately we have only had a few maintenance calls, furnace not working, or other small items. We are keeping our figures crossed that nothing big happens. I guess this is the advantage of managing well kept homes, you don't deal with the leaking roofs, and other problems as much. We are ready if the calls come.
Make sure you shovel your deck... That is a lot of weight.
We are using the "down time" to market, and catch up on the things that might get skipped when things are busy.
Stay warm and be safe!
BJ McKellar
Real Property Management Metro
Serving all of DC