
Condominiums for Sale near Lewisburg, PA - Deer Hollow

Services for Real Estate Pros with Villager Realty Inc

 Condominiums for Sale  near Lewisburg, PA  are the housing solution for the needs of many house hunters. Single, Unable, Unwilling,  Families on the Go, Seniors - all share the desire for easy, 'no time spent, no skills needed'  efficient living. Right now there are several inches of snow on the ground in central Pennsylvania, but the owners of condominiums spent no time plowing driveways or shoveling walks. They did, I admit, clean off their own cars, but even the new, not quite finished condos for sale were plowed, shoveled and ready to be viewed.deer hollow condominium

I've now completed my first year as owner of one of these condos and I can share a few first hand details about the experience.  I am my unit's first owner and the final units in the neighborhood are nearly finished.  I do love the new construction and modern design features of these condos for sale. I have large closets, an upstairs laundry closet, prewired comunications and a flexible kitchen area that I choose to combine with a home office. I've seen other condos for sale that made that space into lovely formal dining. 

The geographic locationof these condos for sale  is great.  When on the move I am out and gone on US Route 15 or Interstate 80 at US 15 in about one minute flat. From there I am within 30 minutes of Geisinger Health Center in Danville,  Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove or  Williamsport, PA. I can walk across the bridge to Milton. The immediate surrounding area is rural village in nature. Bucknell University at Lewisburg is 4 miles south of these condos for sale on US Route 15. 

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We're all concerned about energy costs these days, and these condos for sale are described in their advertising as 'energy efficient'. I can give first hand testimony that the utility costs are really reasonable, with heat costs totaling just over $500 for the last year with my thermostat set and left at 70 degrees. Did I mention that this is a western  end unit?  The condos for sale do all have central air, but I didn't use the air conditioning enough last year to track a cost. The combination of local climate and the real energy efficiency of the condos for sale made it almost unnecessary for me to use the Central Air. This is, of course, a personal preference.

susquehanna river

There are several designs from which to choose in these condos for sale. I live in the most basic unit offered - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath - but there are variations with additional first floor 1/2 baths, or 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths,  and some with basements and decks. The newest version - pictured above -  is a large 2 bedroom unit  with basement and the bedrooms are spacious. There is also the choice of 'new' or 'previously lived in'  available for sale through Villager Realty Inc. When you choose Central Pennsylvania as your home, these condos for sale  give you an  added option in easy, affordable housing. 

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Renee L. Norton
Birmingham, AL

Sounds like a nice community.  I hope you are able to get some of the units sold in the near future!

Feb 14, 2010 01:16 PM
Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation

I didn't see any prices... did I overlook that info?

Apr 09, 2010 02:43 PM
Deborah Fox
Villager Realty Inc - Selinsgrove, PA

This was my first try at AR blogging- obviously I still need some work! Somewhere in this blog it was to take you directly to the condos for sale at this time in the complex.  One condo settled  this week after a year of no sales..It sold for $127,00 minus concessions.  There are other larger units whose list price is slightly higher. There are several for sale just now, but the only vacant units are the four that are not yet finished, so occupancy is not a problem when looking for financing,  Thanks so much for your interest! It's exciting to have my first AR comments.

Apr 15, 2010 01:37 AM
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque Homes Realty - Albuquerque, NM
Honesty, Integrity, Results, Experienced. HIRE Me!

Deborah good report on Condos for sale near Leisburg PA.  You would certainly be the go to Realtor® for anyone looking for a condo in the area. 

Thanks for your comment and input on my posts today.  You are appreciated.  I'm going to subscribe to your post and would love it if you returned the favor and subscribe to mine.  Hope to see you again soon in  the Rain.


Aug 21, 2012 04:07 AM