40 Ways Business Owners Can Use Twitter To Build Their Business
Posted on 23. Jan, 2010 by Mickey O'Brien in Business Tips
This week on Facebook I asked “Who should I follow on Twitter” and surprisingly only a few people responded, one in which is an amazing photographer that you may want to follow twitter.com/@steffoush By asking for who should I follow I was opening up opportunities for businesses to connect with me and my large network. I have many biz owners say “What can Twitter do for me?” so I’m laying it all out right here…
Building Trust & Rapport
1. Express your opinion and expertise
2. Share your interesting links/posts
3. Strengthen relationships with client, competitors and jv partners
4. Tweet often to keep your brand on top of your customer’s mind
5. Share quality content that addresses your clients needs, frustrations, fears & dreams
6. Promote friends and colleagues
7. Promote upcoming eventsMarket Yourself & Your Business
1. Talk about what your company believes in, and is committed to
2. Give special offers to customers who find you via social media
3. Talk about what you’re doing, who you are, and what you do
4. Direct people to your blog/website
5. Find & Give referrals
6. Have contests and give away prizes
7. Promote your latest blog posts, free reports and newsletters
8. Tweet when you see or do something cool or funnyListen To What’s Being Said
1. See what others are saying about you (use TweetDeck.com)
2. Listen to what’s being said about your industry
3. Conduct Twitter polls to quiz consumer opinion
4. Learn about what’s working/not working & next for your competitors
5. Find your competitors clients (Read: Sun Tsu’s Art of War, i.e. do not neglect the use of intelligence.)
6. Identify Twitter trends or hot topics related to your industry
7. Ask people for their opinions. Listen to them and respond back.Expand Your Network
1. Build relationships instead of selling
2. Use Twellow, We Follow to find clients & people with common interests
3. Meet POI’s (People Of Influence) and talk to them
4. Connect your Twitter account to your website, Facebook, LinkedIn and other medias you use.
5. Give and receive testimonials on Follow Friday and connect with new people
6. Use services like bit.ly to see how people are interacting with your contentBuild Your Offline Network
1. Hold/Attend meetups/tweetups and meet your online network offline
2. Use TweetDeck to track when potential customers mention a competitor…and then reach out to them
3. Find new employees
4. Ask Twitter followers to leave testimonials on your site
5. Tweet about products and services on Twitter before offering to general public
6. Create special events around holidays for your Twitter followersMeet People, Celebrate Life & Have Fun
1. Share content that you enjoy
2. Get inspired and motivated by others
3. Learn new things and talk about it
4. Build new friendships, not just professional relationships
5. Be part of a community (your industry or personal)
6. Find new ideas for your business or just for funBonus: Tools I Like That Make It Fun & Easy
1. Use www.ping.fm to post to facebook, twitter, plaxo and more at one time
2. Use hootsuite.com to schedule posts so you don't always have to be online3. Use Hashtages on Twitter to follow conversations (#mortgages to talk about mortgages)
4. Use the Re-Tweet feature if you see something
5. Use #followfriday on Friday's to recommend others to follow someoneWhat are your Twitter tips or advise?
Ps: You can connect with me on Twiter at twitter.com/mickeyobrien