Active Rain Challenge: Invite One New Member to the Network
My inspiration for this Blog comes from: Active Rain Phone Call Challenge TODAY and TOMORROW! I loved Scott's idea to call another ActiveRain member just to introduce yourself. His inspiration was that he thought that "it will be a cool way of bringing Active Rain alive and the network to another level and different dimension!" I agree!
I propose we have an ActiveRain Invite Challenge. Let's make this The Great ActiveRain Recruiting Challenge! Between now and the end of the day on Friday, invite someone to join ActiveRain. It can be someone in your office, a title or mortgage company that you work with, a home inspector, appraiser or even a competitor in the area. Be sure to use the invite others link at your home page so you can get bonus points as well.
ActiveRain is powerful because of its members. Let's make this network even bigger and stronger!
Post a comment to the bottom of this Blog with your experiences. As of now there are 38,695 members of ActiveRain. Let's see how big we can grow the network!