I continue to hear agents talking about how bad this market is:
- All the listings are Short sales and REOs
- My buyers have to make 8-9 offers to get one accepted
- Then, when it is accepted, I have to wait 6 months to be paid
- Buyers want bargains but with multiple offers, there are no bargains
- I keep losing to CASH investors and don't know what to do
- Etc, etc, etc
Ever hear any of these around your office? I think it is time to stop. The market is what the market is. It has shifted and you can't control that. All you can control is your attitude, how you see what is happening and most importantly, what you do. We all know this business is driven by prospecting. In todays market, you may have to prospect harder than you ever have before because there is less business. Or you must change
what you are doing and focus on the market that is ....short sales and REOs.
There is an old saying that I love .... If you want to continue to have what you currently have, continue to do what you are doing. It seems self evident but most agents that I know have not made the hard and painful decisions that need to be made to change their business to adapt to the market. This may mean ne or more of the following, depending on what you want to change:
- Working more hours
- Do more of what you are already doing
- Stop doing those things that aren't working
- Spend more time and money promoting yourself
- Jump into Social Media and make it work
- Put together your Sphere of Influence list that you have been avoiding
- Start calling those past clients you haven't talked to in years.
- Do things you haven't had to do in the past like knocking on doors, geo farming, email blasts, new interactive website, etc.
The business model for real estate is very simple. Spend two hours per day prospecting for clients in whatever way you are comfortable. Time to quite whining and go to work.