The misunderstood and beautiful Coyote has been sighted in even the most upscale neighborhoods. While looking harmless enough, one should not overlook the risk of wild animals amongst us. The reports of attacks are becoming more frequent as these animals become less and less fearful of people.
Along with the foxes, raccoons, prairie dogs and the occasional bear, Coyotes have discovered that life in the "city" is not all bad. With all the fast food scraps leftover in the dumpsters, and geese and ducks aplenty in city ponds and parks these wild creatures can find food with relative ease. They are even known to attack the family pets when the opportunity presents itself. In recent years, reports have surfaced of attacks on adults as well as children playing in back yards.
Keep an eye out and be aware that as we push into the wilderness surrounding our cities, the original inhabitants are finding ways to maintain their way of life in spite of our attempts to discourage them otherwise.