
I have buyers that need the follwoing

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker McMahan

Need a few things for buyers.  Let me now if you know of anyone getting ready to sell that might have the following, I have serious buyers ready to go:

Oldham County- 4 beds, basement under $250,000

Oldham County-3 beds, under $170,000

Oldham County/East Jefferson County- 4 beds under $550,000

St Matthews/Middletown- under $175,000

Middletown/St Matthews- under $170,000

I also know of some homes that are not on the market, but the owners are looking at selling:

Buckner Area- 4 bedroom, 2 story in the $320's

Magnolia Place/Crestwood- 2 Story, $240's

Pewee Valley- Ranch with 30x30 outbuilding $130's

Woodmont- $320's

Bedford-Ranch with basement on 25 acres

Let me know if you can help.  Also, let me know if you are aware of homes that may be for sale soon that are not on the market, may be able to find a buyer without putting a sign in the yard.

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Erby Crofutt
B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY

Looks like you have the inside track on quite a few deals.  Good luck with making them happen.

Dec 21, 2010 06:07 AM