
Real Estate in Lincoln, Ca. 95648 by Lori Schulz

Real Estate Agent with American Home Realty 01307244

Lincoln, Ca. has been my home for the last 17 years!! I love it!! It is not the "small" town that it used to be...but somehow it has still held on to that charm. You can still get to know your local business owners personally and have friendly neighbors. The schools are still small enough compared to those big cities, that you will actually get to know a lot of your children's friends, teachers and other parents. We don't have a mall yet, but we do have a casino!! (although, I must say that I don't personally gamble):-) We are close to a mall (Galleria in Roseville) and we have a lot of local shopping that can get you by!! If you are looking for a "small town", give me a call!!

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Trevor Elliott
RE/MAX Integrity - Salem, OR

I miss that sometimes and then I go to Costco and I feel all better! JK

Feb 18, 2010 07:48 AM
Cari Anderson
Danville, CA

Lori - Cari & I lived in Davis for 5 years & your closer the Galleria than we were.  Spent a lot of time shopping there.  Moved to Danville in 2005 and Cari still misses getting there every weekend. ~Best Doug

Feb 18, 2010 08:55 AM
Lori Schulz
American Home Realty - Lincoln, CA
"I've Got Your Back!!"

Ahhh:-)So you know what I mean then:-)

Feb 18, 2010 01:26 PM